APRIL What's on Your Workbench

[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Great profile on that bird. I no longer make guesses as to species. [/font][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]hahaha[/font]

[/font][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]No reason to guess, it's quite clearly a Jaybird as in "Naked as a jaybird"
Gotta love it, coot heads...

Darn tooting!...I've even got David "that's a lot of mistakes" Robinson collecting backyard reference for me...


Glued up another set of heads:


Drilled and doweled the first set:




Hey Bob, do the ducks come in when you use the "grunt" call? Insert smiley face
Looks like a great idea to me.
Hey, Chuck - been meaning to ask. Whats the point of the two part coot heads???

Hey Bob, glad you asked...there is a multitude of possible explainations for such a design, the top ten reasons are:

10-I am hoping to impress others by faking I have superior wood working knowledge and intelect

9- Dowel rod was on sale and I over bought

8- When I'm used to making heads with 3-4 pieces...two is easy

7- I didn't actually draw a coot pattern, I just downsized my goose head

6- I am being a tightwad and piecing them together from scraps cut from between the knots of what many here refer to as "premium cedar"

5- I am burning time trying to avoid other chores around the house

4- I'm on the Dewalt prostaff and I'm testing to figure out how many holes I can drill before the 3/8" bit is dulled

3- I want to prove to George that you can pick up decoys using the heads as handles without them breaking off

2- I plan on these decoys doubling as mallets to drive in tent stakes in the off season

1- I am too stubborn to figure out there is an easier way
heck I figured you were just using what wood was available and it did not fit your pattern so you improvised. Was not aware of the top ten other reasons.
I can smell the antler turning stink from here. :)


Ah yes, no doubt spoken by someone who has apparently turned or drilled antler himself. ;-)

Sometimes this comes in handy for more than avoiding breathing dust!

Several years ago I made a few antler buttons. I have some more sheds that I'd like to carve but haven't been able to make myself. I don't know what it smells like but I know it is bad.

God is in the details, eh?

Spent the morning doing bill details on heads for some upcoming birds.

Favorite bill detail knife (Two Cherries brand worn down over the years & stropped just right); a double-ball, embossing tool, burnisher thingy; good ol' flexible fabric backed 180 sandpaper; and a good pair of Opti-Visor "cheaters" so I can see everything ;-)









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Chuck - You're underutilizing your talent in a greenhouse. You need to look into hosting late night television...

All for a coot... :(
Chuck - You're underutilizing your talent in a greenhouse. You need to look into hosting late night television...

On the other hand,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Thousands of blossoming faces and zero hecklers in the crowd. (unlike here)
"In a civilized world of rapid-fire living, with problems about this, and worries about that, one relaxing and absorbing pastime is to contemplate a pondful of lackadaisical coots that never seem to worry about anything.
......Gay, assertive, and entertaining, no other bird surpasses in fun the happy-go-lucky American coot. "

View attachment Shiloh-4483-R.jpg
Everyone makes fun of Coots, but if you have ever seen them take off from a northern Central Flyway lake, or slough. When they windup to migrate, they fly like Bluebills. I couldn't believe it!

God had to make something for Bald Eagles to catch........while the Golden Eagles laugh at em.

Coots are about the best confidence decoy goin'. The 2000 ODCCA pin and t-shirt (The Year Of The Coot) is still my favorite. Can't wait to see that rig Chuck, keep on keepin' on.