"bigger boat"

I have a 2008 Duck Water Drone. I would be glad to offer the facts as they pertain to my boat and dealings with Duck Water Boats (Steve).

PM me if you like.


I guess I'm one of the happy DW owners, so much so that I've just bought my second. I haven't torn any waders or had any welds fall apart as advertised in some
of the threads I've been reading. When I'm not hunting our of my DW, I'm fishing. I have nothing but positive to say about the product and the service I've received from Steve Hoover
at DW. About half of my duck season involves running through ice, I can't see any FG boat taking the punishment over the long haul. That was one of the reasons I went with aluminum.

If anyone has any questions regarding DW boats or the service provided by DW I'd be more that happy to give them my unbiased opinion.

all of the posts on this and other threads that have stated that the author had "heard" that someone had been cut, or that waders had been torn, on bad welds.....but I am going to say this....

I have GREAT EMPATHY for anyone in todays business climate that is trying to make a living selling a product and as a result I've been doing some research on the "claims" being made here about "welds" and "failures" and "responses by the builder" and I've come up with some interesting findings and I'm going to list them here....

I'll preface this by saying that I don't own a DW boat, don't know the owner of that company, and other than standing in one of the boats at a show have never been in one.....I suspect strongly that a lot of the people who have criticized DW boats are like me and have reported what they have heard without first hand knowledge of the validity of that claim and I think that is unfair to potential owners and to the mfg.....

Here's what I found out.....

Dangerous Welds......as in the ones that will cut you or tear your waders.....I spoke personally to (5) different DW owners and not one of them said that they had any problems AND IN FACT they advised that there weren't even any welds in locations where that could happen....interested in that comment I requested photos of the boat and those photos verified that on the interior there are no exposed welds that you could brush up against to either tear your waders or cut yourself......Exterior welds that I saw in the photos were not in areas where I would think people using the boat wold come into contact with them nor did they look like they would cut you.....(I freely admit this was one set of photos but we'll get to that in a minute)....

UGLY WELDS.......I "might" concede this one but it would be seriously qualified......why...becaue DW is not THUNDER JET and they are not Pacific Skiff and they are not any one of the other NW Plate boat mfg's that some people are comparing the welds to.....I own a JetCraft plate boat and the welds are GORGEOUS and YES if I compared the DW welds to my boat they wouldn't compare....but that doesn't make them BAD welds it just means that the intnet of the boat is different.....DW, as I understand it, makes a working class boat, an affordable boat, and if you compare my boat to a DW then the price differential is going to reflex the APPEARANCE-although not the quality-of the welds, and you'd pay a minimum of $10K extra for the "cosmetic only" difference.....

Quickly lets cover the "dog that almost castrated itself on a weld"....didn't happen....a dog did cut his scrotum on a TAB on the stern of the boat that is used to anchor the dog ramp either up or down...the dog was loading FROM THE GROUND, and if you've seen these boats on a trailer you kow thats a jump, and he slipped on the transom and fell back on the tab cutting himself, (did not require a vet visit btw). Simply put this was not the fault of the boat.....

FAILED WELDS......heard about one instance....also heard it was handled without problems by the mfg......that sounds like good customer service to me....and with a 15 warranty I'd say that the mfg has confidence in both his boat and his welders....

PEELING PAINT....didn't address it....why? Again I run a JetCraft...I paid a huge premium for an automotive EMRON paint job....its no longer intact.....why....cause nobody that hunts babies their boats and you are going to have paint issues with them.....based on what I heard fro the owners I talked to if there were issues associated with the paint I have no doubt they would be handled by the mfg in a satisfactory fashion....

So that I don't sound like aDW salesman here I will tell you taht from the pictures that I saw I would say that the tracks on the deck for the blind would make me think twice berofe I slid out of, or into, the boat, and I also would not work a dog off the sides of the boat...the numerous, short, pieces or track, each one with ahrap angles on each end are wader rippers IMO and I'd be really worried about a dog hanging a toe in the track if worked over them.....

Did I miss anything? Hear me know--believe me later.....I do not want to censure people from answering questions about any product when the reports are FIRST HAND and FACTUAL....if thats the case answer away....but if the information is second, third or worse hand please don't post it just because you are a Ford man and the product you are slamming is a Chevrolet....

WHY? Cause its unfair to the mfg who is potentially going to lose a sale......

I'll quit know even though I could continue with otherr examples that I found to be contrary to what has been posted......to the people that are interested in ANY boat I suggest you speak DIRECTLY to owners and definately don't make an assessment based on an internet answers....you might just find yourself steered in the wrong direction....

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I had a nice conversation with Mr. Hoover (Steve) Friday evening.

I will say this as a DW boat owner... I love my boat, it has always been sturdy and never been a safety issue (my six year old is with me quite often in the summer). I have never ripped my waders on the interior nor have I or my dog dropped a "nut" because of a weld. I did get a dog ramp with my boat, but I have not used it. I personally do not care for the design (sits too high on the transom during transport), so I am going to have it customized to fit my needs. I knew the design when I ordered, so this was no fault of Steve's.

Now, I say this as I have with any product I buy. With the purchase of any product comes customer service. In my opinion, this is worth more then the initial purchase itself. Steve and I spoke in great depth Friday evening about an issue I had that I felt was not handled as I expected. After our discussion Steve offed an apology and offered to make it right. So, as long as he holds to his word and continues open dialog with me if there is ever another issue, I am a happy camper.

If you treat me with respect, the same you will get from me. We ALL work hard for our money and in today's economy this is not to be taken lightly.

I will be getting the rig out of storage for spring fishing here shortly. Honestly I look forward to getting back on the water.


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Wow thank goodness that the "Ministry of Truth" has spoken and set everyone in the thread straight.

I have never seen or been around a DW boat but from the pictures they look a little rinky dink for a "production" anything. Dont get me wrong if I built a boat in my driveway and it looked that good I would be proud. However I think the workmanship is far from the finished look most people have come to expect from a high priced production item.

I have ridden, hunted and fished out of a Bankes Goliath............ one word WOW! It impressed me flat out. The dry ride and the non cold metal floor are what impressed me the most. I have fished out of almost every model of boat available in the midwest. Each had its strong suit but the goliath was a full head above in across the board versatility.

carstens.......... its like pulling teeth to see more than their one picture of the thing. I stopped by their shop and all the had was a brochure and directions to the only one available to look at....... 50 miles away on some showroom floor. I asked if they had any they were putting together and they said they only build them after they are ordered. The could be real nice but seem to be rather elusive.
Duck Water Boats are Rugged Boats For Rugged Hunters they are not Production boats, They are CUSTOM BUILT. If you want pretty looking welds buy a production boat it will cost you extra $$$. I have owned a 21' Duck Waterand wanted a different interior layout so I had Steve Hoover build me a 23' The Way I Wanted It!
I looked at Bankes at the Eastern Sports Show years back when they were an exhibitor. If I wanted Glass it would be a Bankes.
I hunt the ST. LAWRENCE River with plenty of rocks and My Duck Water takes the beating. I have had no problems with welds. Duck Water Boats have a 15 year hull warranty and Steve stands behind his product and is proud of his boats as any manufacture should.
Duck Water Boats are Rugged Boats For Rugged Hunters they are not Production boats, They are CUSTOM BUILT. If you want pretty looking welds buy a production boat it will cost you extra $$$. I have owned a 21' Duck Waterand wanted a different interior layout so I had Steve Hoover build me a 23' The Way I Wanted It!
I looked at Bankes at the Eastern Sports Show years back when they were an exhibitor. If I wanted Glass it would be a Bankes.
I hunt the ST. LAWRENCE River with plenty of rocks and My Duck Water takes the beating. I have had no problems with welds. Duck Water Boats have a 15 year hull warranty and Steve stands behind his product and is proud of his boats as any manufacture should.

I guess you must have pretty low standards........ When I think CUSTOM BUILT I think better than production not High School shop class looking.
For some one that has never seen a Duck Water Boat in person you have no problem slamming the boats and myself who you have never seen or know. These boats are utility type hunting boats, not pleasure boats.
And for you stating that I must have low standards it shows the lack of your intelligence. So when I stated that if I wanted glass it would be a Bankes I guess that contradicts your post.
Duck Water Boats are Rugged Boats For Rugged Hunters they are not Production boats, They are CUSTOM BUILT. If you want pretty looking welds buy a production boat it will cost you extra $$$. I have owned a 21' Duck Waterand wanted a different interior layout so I had Steve Hoover build me a 23' The Way I Wanted It!
I looked at Bankes at the Eastern Sports Show years back when they were an exhibitor. If I wanted Glass it would be a Bankes.
I hunt the ST. LAWRENCE River with plenty of rocks and My Duck Water takes the beating. I have had no problems with welds. Duck Water Boats have a 15 year hull warranty and Steve stands behind his product and is proud of his boats as any manufacture should.

I guess you must have pretty low standards........ When I think CUSTOM BUILT I think better than production not High School shop class looking.

Matt, that is exactly the way I think...like, Chip Foose builds custom cars, or the boys at OCC build custom Harleys. "Custom" to me indicates a high standard of excellence with respect to craftsmanship. I, when I was doing it for a living, considered myself a "custom finish carpenter". Building one of a kind cabinets. Boats decoys, or what have you, built with a high degree of fit and finish is the definition of craftsmanship and custom on my book.
Not taking sides in the issue but why doesnt someone post some pictures of the welds so those who have never seen these can judge for them selves.
This forum has gone from one person asking advice about a duck boat to a forum bashing one boat manufacturer. I have looked closely at a couple of the duckwater boats and wasnt terrible impressed with the welds but all of us have to have things on our boats that we feel arent quite up to par or should of come out of the factory done a little better.... I think all of us need to keep in mind that no boat is perfect and the only true way to decide what boat to buy is to get out there look at the boats and if possible take one for a spin. For some people sloppy welds arent a deal breaker so long as the boat is a safe one. I just know for that kind of money I would have to spend for a boat I want it to be as close to perfect as possible.
As a full time guide we use the Duck Water Boats..Great work boats!!

Maryland Guides using Duck Water Boats
We have two of them one 23' and a 21'
Chesapeake Guide Service runs a 21' with a 200hp
Upper Chesapeake Guide service runs a 25' with twin 115hp and a 19'
Nomad Guide service runs a 28' has twin 140hp
Bucks and Ducks runs a 23'

We all run aluminum boats!!

From 1 foot of water to 4-5 footers in the bay..Lots of room..very safe boats!!

here are some pics

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Man .......... talk about shameless self promotion. The only thing missing is your daily rates!?!?!?
Man .......... talk about shameless self promotion. The only thing missing is your daily rates!?!?!?

I do not get on the forums much.and saw this thread was still going...and my comments were not meant to be "shameless self promotion" (why would I list other guides services with pictures of other outfitters boats???)

We are a Platinum Sponsor of this site.....so we get enough "promotion"

Just that a lot of the Maryland guides services are using the all aluminum boats..

Just information..

THAT was and is the main purpose of this forum .....I thought???

Scott, I thought you were informative...Your opinion was welcome. Thats what this site is all about. We as a rule do not have people flaming.
Thats nice to hear . On my first post on this fuge I got insulted, then Scott got the same. Its nice to know that there are some upstanding members here!
Thank you
I wouldn't worry about it Scott. Not saying you have spammed here but this post was far less promotional then some others you have done. I didn't think they were wrong either since you do join in and also help support this site. If that were your very first post it might be different.

btw I really couldn't care less what boats people use as long as they are safe about it. Your boat is even kind of nice looking in an Abrams tank sort of way.

I agree nothing in those pics made me want to jump up and schedule a hunt, but then again the fact they guide in ND doesn't make me think very highly of the operation either.