December Workbench Thread *Happy Holidays*

appreciate the kind words Jode, great Harli BTW, I like the colors

The purpose of this rig was to hunt Cans in Canada, Cans have personally eluded me for 30 years. As we all know the weather has been far from spectacular and has affected our brothers to the North as well. Enjoyed watching my decoys work among the spread but had hardly anything to show for it. I will need to make another trip for the elusive Can hopefully sooner rather than later but did get to enjoy the decoys and admire my hard work.



The only Pochard to fall victim to the spread


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My take on putting three fish on three canvases. Acrylics, total size 16x24.




Have always wanted to post something on here and now I have my chance. It is a piggy bank I did for my 3 yr old. He has been bitten by the waterfowl bug too and I love it.


Thanks guys.

Hey Neil a piggy bank decoy for a 3 year old is a great idea. Good way to keep ducks around him 365 days a year with that one.


How cool is that! I had to look about 15X to see how all the combinations were working. You sir, are one talented guy.
Now that Christmas is over, I have a little breathing room. Between getting out to hunt, making gifts that were turned on the lathe, and trying to keep up with requests for calls, it got a little hairy. Never did have the chance to make any calls to put in the classifieds here. Here are pics of just a few of the things I did in the last few weeks during the "rush" :

Some of the duck calls:
View attachment d (427 x 479).jpg

A real nice salt-cedar (Tamarisk) set that had some great burl & figure to it (Actually got the text requesting this set three days before Christmas while sitting on the River in the TDB, ):
View attachment XMas2012 007 (600 x 399).jpg
View attachment XMas2012 008 (600 x 399).jpg
View attachment XMas2012 010 (600 x 399).jpg

A nicely striped, curly-maple goose call for my son's girlfriend (note the pink accents). He added some unique packaging ;-) She's supposed to goose hunt with us sometime before they head back to school.
View attachment XMas2012 009 (600 x 399).jpg
Hey Bob - Great looking calls and they actually sound better than they look - Just about everybody at KMHC is now using a Furia Call - there are a couple of guys that make me want to dig a hole and bury mine - guess I better work on it in the off season - I'm working on the goose call - just about got it down.......

Talked with Greg this a.m. We're going to try and get together for a hunt after the first week in Jan. when everyone is back at school - even if all we do is end up sitting there telling lies.

Did you guys get hammered in the storm? Not too bad here as we were on the south edge - lots of ice covered by snow later on. Doug and I are going to load up the goose decoys and snow covers and see if they're looking for food this afternoon. We'll see what the ramps look like in a day or so.
We just got 3" but Indianapolis and south got hammered.........I will be in Northern Arkansas the 5th thru 9th - hope there water in the field doesn't freeze up or it will be just a nice truck ride.......................Most of the small bodies of water are frozen here in good old Indiana - makes the rivers real good but only a few days of duck season left in the North Zone - start goose hunting the fields after the first of the year - Have a Healthy and Great New Years....... Tell those Boys that grew into Men (seems like overnight) the browny man from the sporting clay shoots said Hey................