Dog appreciation pictures.

They are sweethearts. Probably greet a burglar at the door, tail waging, and lead them to the family jewels. Loves our UPS delivery man so much when we,re out in yd. and he makes a delivery she follows him right back up in trk. , if I don,t stop her. He made the mistake of giving her a treat once and shes never forgot!
Charles H. said:
Troy Fields, what an outstanding action shot!

Roy Brewington, You found my soft spot, my first lab was a Chocolate girl and she too was the sweetest dog you ever met. Absolutely loved everyone. Man I miss that dog!
Habi's first day of retrieving. She was 7 months old back in 2012 during out early teal season with a 4 bird per day limit. My girl was just a pup however, she grew up quickly! I happened to find this patch of water, which only needed 3 decoys and the rest was history. We were patient and I kept on telling myself about what a friend of mine told me about duck hunting in New Mexico was like. "Al, if you can find water, they (ducks) will come." They did.

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Who doesn't like looking at pictures of all those great dogs?







Belle and B:

Drake and Mike:

Drake and B:

Belle, Drake and B:

Drake, B and Kenz:

Sooooo many pictures to choose from.....
Great thread and great pics everyone. I started pulling a couple pics to post here, but ended up with a pile of them!
Dani, your dogs are beautiful, handsome and smart. Heck of a combination. Over the years I have seen a few variations of Drake and the cock pheasant or two. They are my favorite shots of yours. Thanks for including them all.
Dave, I am all for saving shells. Since I had to learn to hunt the Rio Grande when I moved down here from the Midwest, I found it necessary to allow my dogs go with the sound of the gun. Habi spent time with Chili learning the things that she needed to do. When Chili retired, Habi became the instructor.
Huntindave McCann said:

Nice pics, I'm having trouble deciding if those birds are puddlers or divers. [ninja]

Weeeelllllll one pheasant decided to try his hand at puddling and diving from Drake (on Drake's very last pheasant hunt)


But since Drake was Da Bombdiggity on pheasants, that pheasant had no chance



Thanks a lot Al. He was a beautiful boy for sure and he excelled on pheasants....
Nice looking pup, is that a couple of poule d'eau in the pirogue?
Is there a pot of gumbo in their future?
Prior the advent of steel shot, we would sneak hunt rafts of coot using canoes and 7.5 shot low brass reloads on Hamlin, the Lincoln River impoundment and Bass Lakes. Not much breast meat, but with the legs were edible, too, without going the confit' route. Once the pads were removed their gizzards were the giblets for stuffings and gravies.
Y'all seeing many grey ducks and dos gris?

I can relate, this was back in Mobile, couple of real nice bull drakes in this limit. [;)]
Weird morning, a fog bank was moving in from west to east and the coots flying like crazy (as opposed to just swimming like crazy like they normally do) as the fog moved across the bay. I was on the far east side of the bay and they just poured into my spread of coot and gadwall decoys. All of these were wing shots, couldn't load the gun fast enough. took maybe 10 minutes to shoot 15. BIG pot of gumbo!

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