Dog appreciation pictures.

Yep, more meat on the legs than breast! I would simmer the breast fillets & legs until tender and then shred the meat to put in gumbo.
Carl said:
Not sitting in an ice shanty trying to catch walleyes??

Yeah baby! I'm going after walter the next few nights. I missed the last 2 months of duck season with a bad case of Lyme, time to take it out on ol' walter.
Carl said:
Not sitting in an ice shanty trying to catch walleyes??

Nope, neighbor dropped a Green Ash tree and I grabbed a few chunks for bowl turning blanks. As it turns out, these are going to be expensive blanks.

The day after loading logs into my truck, one set (out of two, keep one set in the truck) of my truck keys came up missing. Pretty sure the keys are buried in ten inches of snow in his yard. We got fresh snowfall, 7 inches, during the same time frame.

I figure I grubbed the keys out of my coat pocket, either while snow blowing my driveway or loading logs in his yard. I don't think the keyless remote will be of much use come spring.
Ouch, been there done that:
I was home on Christmas break from college my freshman year.
Went to see my girlfriend and somehow dropped the car keys into a foot of snow somewhere in her yard.
It was the only set we had! Car sat in her Moms driveway for over 2 months before my brother could finally get a new set made.
Charles: This was a brilliant idea, and so much fun. Hoping for more this year and that it will become a yearly DBF tradition. I hamstrung because I am operating out of a Mac, and posting pics is beyond this dinosaur's IT capability, otherwise would have posted pics of my sweet little Chocolate, Boo.

Thanks again all for the pics.
James Woods, if you want to email me pics I would gladly post them for you. Send me a PM and I'll reply with my email address.
Greg, I love the way you introduced snow goose training 101. Well done. It seems that Rose is a gifted retriever. That last shot was very nice.