It happened, I slipped over into the dark side.

Huntindave McCann

Well-known member





Jack has a new kitchen mate. I just picked her up this afternoon. She was born Jan. 1st 2011 and I have named her Ginger. Now for a few nights of sleeping on the floor mattress next to her. I really don't mind. :>) :>)
She's a good looking pup, good luck with the sleeping on the floor. I found the hardest part was getting up off the floor.

Jack seems to be looking for something.... something missing?
Congrats Dave! Good looking pup you got there. Enjoy the time spent sleeping on the floor. There are worse things that could cause that to happen :)
I may be a bit biased regarding chocolate Labs, but I think you've gone to the enlightened side. Ginger is a really great looking pup. You two will be keeping each other good company for many years to come. I look forward to seeing Ginger in person (dog?).
I'm not sure that old scruffy mut will learn any tricks but that cute puppy sure does look smart, hehehehe ;) Ginger is a great name for that little girl. Have fun with her!
Congrats Dave. That is a great looking pup. I have a sweet spot for Chocolates. No pun intended, well maybe just a little.
Way to go Dave!!! Jack will be a good big brother. Chocolate, yellow or even black they are all good dogs, just one color is smarter. ;^) Good luck with her and remember to have fun. That early bonding is not to be taken lightly, she will be a pal for life.
Thats the way to go mate, Ginger sure looks like a little beauty sleeping on the floor and those 66 hour days are sure going to put years on you HeHeHe
now you can enjoy the training process and that starts at feed times.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
I got some black paint for you if it doesn't work out.....

Haha just kidding, one of the funniest things I ever heard was at a waterfowl show, a fellow was trying to sell 3 yellow pups, a guy walked by and said "I got some black paint if you wanna sell those"

Great looking pup, I'm sure she'll be a great dog!
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Well, mebbe darker side, but not quite THE dark side. ;-)

Good for you, Dave

I thought maybe the second picture was going to be an after picture for a Just For Men Beard commercial and the dog was just the color he was matching. :)

Cute pup Dave.
