Kinda had me a bit alarmed NDR

Lou Tisch

Well-known member
I scraped my elbow a bit around the shop the other big deal. Usually, I'd put some antibiotic on it and a bandade and be done with it and it'd be healed in a couple days.

Well.......didn't have time for a bandage/antibiotic and just kept working and the elbow was only in contact with the counter when typing, etc.
Thursday night (last week), my elbow hurt just a tiny bit & I thought "wow, when did I bump that". Within about 2 hours it had swollen and hurt like mad. Went to the Dr. on Friday morning and he determined...probably a strep infection and gave me some Avelox/antibiotic and then.....the kicker......"if it's not significantly better by Monday morning, I'm sending you to the hospital for IV antibiotics. Youch!
Friday was a complete loss as was Saturday (even had to miss a cousin's Wedding.......doh) and finally began to improve about 8pm on Saturday. Whew!
Doc said the infection was in the bursa/fluid and didn't want it to go into the bone.
Hit the Doctors office today and the improvement has been significant and no hospital stay but it's still a little sore and slightly tender to the touch but tolerable.
The whole thing had me a bit unnerved.

Then, I was out at the lake house Sunday and went into the barn and could smell something "out of place". It wasn't a rotting/organic smell but definitely chemical (having taught chemistry...pretty easy to distinguish). Turns out my son has been fishing a lot and puts his marine deep cycle battery on the charger to keep it up. blew the right side of the battery wide open ......for whatever reason. Don't know when it blew but I unplugged it. I then transferred the battery to a locking tool box and within 3 blew up the left side of the battery. I was 3 feet from it when it blew and it scared the crap outa me. Fortunately the box was locked but even then, it popped one of the locks on the box. Sounded like a gun going off and I was sitting on the running board of my van and that acted like an echo chamber. Don't know if there was some Hydrogen build up in the tool box that went off or what but it left me a bit unnerved. about the Lord watching over me. Guess I'm a lucky guy.
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Lou, Since your "on a roll" it might be a good idea to buy a lottery ticket...:)

Hmmmmmm, maybe I won't "waste it" on a lottery ticket but save it up for the next near disaster. ;)
I've always considered myself a lucky man and have been "stopped" from the edge of trouble many times by that little voice inside....ok, sometimes that little voice had to shout and slap me upside the head's still there none-the-less.
man, talk about an event filled weekend. glad ou came out ok, that battery story is down right scary.

I had another battery blow up on me about 25 years ago. I was involved in a gas & oil drilling company and was running around in a company van when the electric "acted goofy" and the next thing, I thought a 30-06 slug had slammed into the hood and I had a sniper shooting at me. Turns out the battery had exploded. Still don't know what caused it since we had our mechanics keep track of the vehicles and keep them in shape.
So........don't lean down over your battery. ;)
Well gee whiz Lou, as far as your elbow goes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, You old farts have got to be more careful. You most likely don't "bounce" as well as you did a few years ago. BWAAAAAAAAAAA

Glad you are ok and that the battery didn't "blow" during the time you were making the transfer in location. That could have been ugly.
Lou glad you are OK, you do know the allmighty is looking after you and paying you back in kind for the help you give to other people.
take care Buddy
This kinda stuff usually comes in threes....(trouble that is) watch it... if you know what I mean..

Glad your alright Lou. Ed
Ed, I was just thinking the same thing as reading down the post... Hope the cycle ends at two! sounds like a eventful week to say the least!

Glad you made it past with no hospital stay, my husband was just in for a 4 day run with pneumonia on IV antibiotics... No Fun!!

Lou glad you are OK, you do know the allmighty is looking after you and paying you back in kind for the help you give to other people.
take care Buddy

Thanks Eddie,
You're right. The Lord has watched over me all my life and I've been very, very lucky. I chose a wife well as we're coming up on our 40th Anniv. in a couple weeks. That's just one of the major blessings in my life.

Pat're right about being watched over. Many times, heading for an activity or movement, when it felt like a hand, lightly against my chest like with a warning...."just hold on a minute". It's actually saved my life numerous times. Without that intercession....I've have been lucky to make 12 years old. ;)

It's interesting, as I've said, I've been very blessed and have always recognized that " whom much is given, much is expected". Many folks have helped me a bunch and the Lord has blessed me with talent and it behooves me to pass on what I can.

Thanks guys,
Jeesh Lou, you need to take a few days off & relax after all that!
Go spend some time on the lake, no wait, just sit on the back porch & watch the lake, may be safer that way!
Jeesh Lou, you need to take a few days off & relax after all that!
Go spend some time on the lake, no wait, just sit on the back porch & watch the lake, may be safer that way!

Now, can I present that to the wife as an Rx (prescription) from Doc Carl? :) I just might have to use that. Now, as long as I'm not smuthered to death by the fish flies or pulled into the lake by a muskie......I'll be fine. ;)
Lou, you are taking tomorrow off right? It's not everyday you become eligible for Social Security. Okay not the full amount but....

Very best!
Lou, you are taking tomorrow off right? It's not everyday you become eligible for Social Security. Okay not the full amount but....

Very best!

Too funny! Yup, I'm taking at least part of the day off. ;) Might go do a little flying and then I have to be back to the house for that obligatory cheese cake/etc.
Ya know, I remember that our generation didn't trust anybody over 30 and now I'm more than twice that. Hm, where'd the time go.
Good thing I'm self employed so I can't be forced into retirement. I'm already in my dream-job.
Later my friend.
Give us another semester and my then Nurse Practioner Wife will write exactly such an Rx!!!

I think you should paint hens and take naps for a few days. Glad to hear you survived both episodes!

I think you should paint hens and take naps for a few days. Glad to hear you survived both episodes!

Ya know, a nap sounds good. Never thought that would occupy any of my thoughts. ;)
Thanks partner,

I think you should paint hens and take naps for a few days. Glad to hear you survived both episodes!

Ya know, a nap sounds good. Never thought that would occupy any of my thoughts. ;)
Thanks partner,

I'll tell ya, it's becoming a regular thing with me.