Lee Harker's Passing

Damn...I wish it wasn't true.

I only got to spend a few days hunting with Lee but have known the man through this place for many years. The world just lost one of the good ones.

Goodbye my friend...you will be missed
Wow, my heart dropped when I saw this subject line. I had just commented to my wife last night that no one had heard from Lee lately and that I hoped everything was ok.

I had the great fortune of hunting with Lee this past season. Pete McMiller, Lee and I all shared a cabin at this year’s MLB hunt. Lee was the reason I was able to attend, and a big part of why I felt so welcome to be the new guy of the group. Lee is one of those guys you gravitate to and feel like you’ve known him for years when it may only be days. I remember walking up to the cabin when I arrived and seeing this big guy dragging a picnic table closer to the cabin. He walks up to meet me, sticks out his big paw and says, “Lee Harker nice to meet you. You can throw your shit in the room on the left. Oh, and you drew the short straw, you’re rooming with me.” Just about each night we’d chat about decoys, boats, or whatever much longer than we should have considering we would be getting up early.

I was going to find a way to hunt with Lee again this year.

Lee was a great guy and will obviously be missed by many. Godspeed Lee.

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God bless you Lee, and may God's mercy and grace cover your family during this difficult time.

See you later Lee!

I only met Lee once at Westlake several years ago, but talked back and forth with him here a bunch. Lee was equal parts class clown, sergeant at arms, teacher, and friend. His "toobafo" decoys, the legendary "tin pot" drawings...no wonder it's overcast down here...a dark day for a dark mood.

He was a pillar, a fixture, and for him to be gone just doesn't seem fair for all of us.

Lee, I know you are at peace. I hope you woke up in a blind with the wind at your back and birds over the decoys.

Godspeed, my friend, and prayers for your family.
"A brother is not always a friend,
but a friend is always a brother."

If this saying is true, then Lee had many brothers. God speed .........
With tears in my eyes and sorrow in my heart, Lee, you will be missed by many. It is s true tribute to a man when so many come together from an interent site to pay homeage to a man many of us never met. Like many others, I never personally met Lee but know him through his many musings and acts of kindness. How many laughs I had over the years from the many tin hat drawings posted on this site.

You will be dearly missed Lee and we are only lifted up knowing you are in a better place. You'll see your Grandsons graduate from high school, it will just be a different vantage point than you were thinking about.

Mark W
Thank you Brian for putting into word the grief we all must be feeling. As with others, Lee offered advice and help to me when I first joined on to the site. Like Rick, I had the pleasure to spend an evening chatting with Lee at Westlake a few years ago. I am saddened that I have lost another of my friends. God bless and keep you Lee Harker.
Truly unfortunate, I never met him, but I do feel a loss after reading years of postings by him and I can only imagine how people that knew him must be feeling. He was a special person and I wish all his family and friends the best.
Sad news!! In the short time I've been a member here (and much longer as a lurker), I always looked forward to Lees posts. It’s my hope that there are duck marshes in Heaven and that Lee is sitting out there in a boat somewhere with a good cup of coffee, decoys all set and waiting on the first light, feeling the tension that comes from straining his ears to hear the whistling of wings overhead. Godspeed Lee, you'll be missed!
I never met your Grandfather in person but I want you to know what a special person he was.
One of the measures of a man is the friends he leaves behind.
Your Grandfather was rich with friends.
He will be sorely missed.
He gave of himself freely with wit, humor, and knowledge.
I know he cared very much about you and was a proud Grandfather.
I know you will miss him.
As you grow older... know that he will always be with you in spirit.
Cheering you on in what ever you do.
You are lucky to have had such a Grandfather.

I will miss the man.

This photo reminds me of my father. He looks like he is just about to say something profound so you keep watching him with the cigarette dangling there. Looking at it you don't know how it does not fall out. And you wait in anticipation for the fall which will be followed by a curse, or the profound statement that leaves the cigarette dangling there as if by magic.

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God bless you Lee, and your family. I pray that they are comforted by knowing what a decent and upstanding man you were. We will ALL miss you terribly.

It's hard to believe a man you've never met in person can stir so much emotion. We've certainly lost a great one from our community. You will be greatly missed but never forgotten.

May God bless the Harker family in this time of need.

Joe Lane
I can say I never met this man but would have loved to been in the blind with him just one time. His words and stories are enough to place his stature among good, honest men. For him to not let us know how bad it is, is what a man like this will do. He would not want us to fear for him or what his battle will be. Just to hear our thoughts and prayers to ease his mind and make the rest of his journey that much easier. I admire someone like Mr. Harker for not wanting us to be his shoulder to cry upon. God bless you Lee and we will all see you back in the marsh again someday......To his family, I am deeply sorry for your loss.
I just got back to find out that Lee is gone ,MY prayers go out to his family and all of us here on this sad day.
Carry on brother ,carry on ,find the marsh that only one can wish for,
Lee the first volley on opening morning next season is for you .......

we will miss you brother....

Truly a sad thing for sure , never new the guy other than reading his posts and enjoying his comments but he must have a hell of a guy .thoughts go out to his family and friends during this trying time .

Dave M
Im sorry to ear this bad news, God speed Lee my prayers go out to your family.
One needs only to read this tribute to a man who was admired and loved by so many to start to understand what he was like. I remember my first post here, not so long ago, introducing myself as a new boat builder. Would anyone answer? Will they help? One of the first people to welcome me was Lee Harker.........What a relief...............I would be safe now,I can build a boat were my thoughts. Lee you have left your legacy in Blake and he will come to know that as he matures. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Harker family and to his friends. I only wish I could have gotten to know you more. Thank you MR Harker for your insight,humor and art. Gods Speed Lee Harker.........Gods Speed............
My prayers and condolences to Lee's family. I always enjoyed Lee's advice, and his drawings! He will be missed for sure.

Dave Quane