OK, Cabin Fever is starting

Jeff Reardon

Well-known member
Since we're into complaining about the regs these days, and I'm at home after the second day this week that most businesses closed early due to snow, a question about federal duck stamps.

Does your duck stamp need to be attached to your license, or simply signed?

I keep my signed duck stamp in my wallet (it gets me into NW Refuges in the off season, too), and keep multiple copies of my hunting license--one in the car, one in the ammo box in each boat, and one in my blind bag. My state sells licenses on line, and I can print as many copies as I like.

A buddy does the same, and when checked by a state warden this season was told that he had to attach the stamp to his license. He didn't cite him, but he did make him attach it then and there.

I don't recall seeing anything in the regulations about attaching your duck stamp to the license--just that it needs to be in your possession and signed.

Any insight on this issue? What do you do with your federal stamp?
In Iowa it needs to be attached to your license and signed....

The funny thing is that I don't have to attach it to another states license, or buy another one to be valid.

At least that is what I thought/think the law is.....
I don't attach it to my license. I like to display the past stamps in a frame, so I prefer the lick type stamps.

I never had any problems showing this to the CO. I've lost my license in the past so having a stamp attached to it would have been a double whammy to replace.

After the possession limit topic, I'm hesitant to say that it isn't required to attach it to a license. It just needs to be signed across the face.

Only signed. I would not put it on a license. It's a federal law not a state one. What if someone hunts two states that say you need it on that license? Are they telling you that you need to buy two?

If a state is so arrogant that they pass a law to make you put a federal stamp on a piece of printer paper they are thinking too hard. Maybe these are old laws that need to be looked at since most sell online and are printed at home now days.

You guys all must be more responsible than me! I am very sure that if my stamp wasn't permanently affixed to my license. I would lose it.
I stick it on my MN license and sign it as soon as I get it and then put the second one I always buy in a safe place. I always have all my licenses with me so it is not an issue. You do only need one. I have been checked in 3 states and all they need is to see it signed and with you. ND sells licenses on line also so I do make several copies when I travel that far.
I just fold up the card it comes on and stick it in my license holder in my billfold. I don't hunt without having that along so no problems. I will print out a few copies and put them a couple places for fishing but with the stamps and tags that are needed for hunting I don't let them get far from me.

Here we can add permits online and then just print out a new license. It would seem odd to consider printer paper as a base for all stamps. Also some of our waterfowl seasons go beyond the date the licenses expire so you would have to buy another stamp if we needed to have it on the current license.

I'm just not sure why any state would have a law pertaining to the federal stamp other then you need a signed one and the feds already have that. I'm not big on redundant and silly laws.

Technically, it is supposed to be signed across the face and attached to your license.

If you look at the back of the stamp packet, it says signed across the face and attached to you hunting license as applicable. "As applicable" is interpreted by the feds, and most states, as if you are hunting, it must be attached to your license.

I was checked once by a warden, only had it signed and stuck in my wallet. He said I had to stick it to my license. Didnt ticket me, so I was happy.

If you hunt two states, I guess you have to carrry both licenses with you.