Post up some pictures y'all


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I know it's been a warm year, but SURELY there's folk that are having leaves changing color .......I need my fix.....we don't get leaf color change down's fall...feel free to post pretty fall scenery pictures too.....

in about two weeks I ought to have pictures to post of polar bears....can't wait for that....lookin forward to it greatly....

This is as good as I can do right now. With as late as spring came this year the trees are a little behind. I'm afraid that we will get a hard freeze and they will go from mostly green to dropping in one day.


Looking forward to seeing your polar bear photos. Take lots of them.

Thanks Tim....that's a great start.....for sure waaaaay more color than we see here....pretty river

Phil, love the cartoon....
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Looks like a gorgeous place to hunt for sure....pretty decoys too....

lookin forward to more pictures and good luck on Saturday....
To bad he has ugly decoys! Bwahahahaha

David: Just messin with ya, they look nice on the water. Where is that taken? You can PM me if it's a secret.
Dani here you go,a nice fall picture out east of the house, this is the canyon Sutton and I were chukar hunting in a couple years ago when I found an arrowhead right in front of Steve's foot. on the cow trail.

And here is how we covered the canyon last night, had my buddy Larry take this picture just for you!! It"s the only way to get around, even flushed a covey of Huns and found a small elk shed when we hit the top of the ridge.

Spotted this point from my horse last week after a big rain storm, Hunter took it to the archeologist at the University and he said it is a wind dust point, 6000-8000 years old, a pre-bow and arrow type point used on a long shaft.

Thanks y'all keep em coming.....

Andrew that's a pretty little slough you've got to hunt...what do you shoot in there?

Fred...thanks....I'm really really really going through WA Upland withdrawl. I REALLY am gonna miss it this year. And NEAT point. Did all tribes of people have wind dust points? where does that name come from do you know? I googled wind dust point and got LOTS on Dust in the Wind lyrics. Clearly I'm not searching with the right keywords. How many points have you found around you? Were you just out scouting around for elk or were you out just horsin around up there?

Neat Shot Ron.

Ed, season is FOREVER away. But I now have a little bitty jon boat so I need to take the time and paint it up and get the wrens nest out of it. Over the summer after reriveting the places that the rivets had popped out, we turned it upside down to keep it from getting water in it when we were getting lots of rain. I have a few things left to do metal wise to the gunnels and before I could get to doing it when it was no longer raining, a wren went and built a nest in the bow. Soooooooo I just let it sit out there. BUT now that the wren is gone, I've got to get to painting it.

Dani I'm no expert on points but the name goes with the age and the style, I know bow and arrow points are only about 2000 years old , before that it was just a spear. We were just out for an afternoon ride, going again tomorrow , I have found a lot of points over the years, just never hung on to many of them, lent a bunch to an old friend , he died then the wife sold them all, along with his guns, never bother to see if I wanted them back.

Today the boys and I are headed to the cabins we take care of for our friends in Wa D.C. Have to get some new footings under a couple logs then get the pipes drained , winter will be there soon, the elevation is 5000 feet up at the old place so it get cold early.

No elk yet . Still have 3 weeks left on my early tag.

Well, if you ever find another one and decide you don't want it, or your boys don't want it, you can send it my way. i'll give it a good home.

Good luck with the rest of the early elk season.

Going to do any grouse hunting while you're up there or are there grouse up there?

The next find will be headed your way, I always have a shotgun in the truck, many grouse have met there demise while traveling to the cabin!! It's been a good year for grouse so far.

How is this for fall color.


That is off of a state road cam in the Black Hills in western SD. Up to three feet of snow out there. Thunderstorms in the south eastern part of the state. Got to love the weather extremes in the great plains.

Dani, it's Brandon's spot actually, and a few woodies. Last year I hunted it with him and we had some swans come right into the decoys. Very fun to watch.