Sea ducks hunt video

Terrific Video; great dog work. Lived in Annandale for 2 years, and commuted to Newark. Wanted to shoot myself. Kinda of a long ride to the salt spray.

James Woods. Nemo
How do you like that rear sight that you are using?

In my humble opinion, if you mount a shotgun correctly to point at your target, not aim, a rear sight (and for that matter middle beads) are really useless and distracting at most. One could argue that a front bead is even unnecessary if your line of sight goes right down the rib, but that would definitely take some getting used to.

While on the subject of "proper" shotgunning, isn't a "double" usually considered one hunter takes two bird (in the same toll or flush, of course)? Maybe I'm ignorant, maybe I'm greedy, maybe I hunt alone too much, but two birds come in, two guys shoot, two birds fall, that's just hunting, not a double, much less a "perfect double."


How do you like that rear sight that you are using?

In my humble opinion, if you mount a shotgun correctly to point at your target, not aim, a rear sight (and for that matter middle beads) are really useless and distracting at most. One could argue that a front bead is even unnecessary if your line of sight goes right down the rib, but that would definitely take some getting used to.

While on the subject of "proper" shotgunning, isn't a "double" usually considered one hunter takes two bird (in the same toll or flush, of course)? Maybe I'm ignorant, maybe I'm greedy, maybe I hunt alone too much, but two birds come in, two guys shoot, two birds fall, that's just hunting, not a double, much less a "perfect double."


Chuck, you are right!! Now when you say it I realize it, thanks for the correction, but too late to edit it now.The rear sight does come in handy when you are not mounting the gun correctly, it happens to me when I'm wearing these layers of clothing under my fat jacket, and like you said if I mount the gun perfectly the red dot becomes irrelevant and I don't even notice it.Farrukh
I think Chick, I mean Chuck needs to go play with his sewing kit and stop raining on other people's parade. Didn't your mother ever tell you that if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say it? .....mind your manners.
I really enjoyed that video. Thanks for sharing. BTW... it is great to see a video that doesn't have pounding Heavy Metal music.
I think Chick, I mean Chuck needs to go play with his sewing kit and stop raining on other people's parade. Didn't your mother ever tell you that if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say it? .....mind your manners.

So I should keep any insight I have to myself and let someone waste money on a sighting system that is nothing more than a crutch for a wingshooter? I'm not raining on a parade, just being objective.

I think Chick, I mean Chuck needs to go play with his sewing kit and stop raining on other people's parade. Didn't your mother ever tell you that if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say it? .....mind your manners.

So I should keep any insight I have to myself and let someone waste money on a sighting system that is nothing more than a crutch for a wingshooter? I'm not raining on a parade, just being objective.


Shucks Carlos, I wasn't thinking you were raining on anyone's parade, I thought you were mentoring a bit.
Hey its funny that comments are being made without even owning or at least trying the sight, I have it for 3 years now and yeah it works, I mentioned earlier that it really help in mounting the gun right, especially me who have been playing with only rifles for a long time and had a hard time to keep both eyes open shooting a shotgun. I waste less ammo, I cripple less and very happy with the results. I'm hard on my equipment and broke the first one, promptly got another one, don't dismiss something because you "think" it won't work, it does!!
Hey its funny that comments are being made without even owning or at least trying the sight, I have it for 3 years now and yeah it works, I mentioned earlier that it really help in mounting the gun right, especially me who have been playing with only rifles for a long time and had a hard time to keep both eyes open shooting a shotgun. I waste less ammo, I cripple less and very happy with the results. I'm hard on my equipment and broke the first one, promptly got another one, don't dismiss something because you "think" it won't work, it does!!

There are lots of things in life I've dismissed.without trying and never looked back...non-alcoholic beer...homosexuality...roboducks....I'm not missing anything...a little common sense and logical thinking will get you a long way.
Hey its funny that comments are being made without even owning or at least trying the sight, I have it for 3 years now and yeah it works, I mentioned earlier that it really help in mounting the gun right, especially me who have been playing with only rifles for a long time and had a hard time to keep both eyes open shooting a shotgun. I waste less ammo, I cripple less and very happy with the results. I'm hard on my equipment and broke the first one, promptly got another one, don't dismiss something because you "think" it won't work, it does!!

There are lots of things in life I've dismissed.without trying and never looked back...non-alcoholic beer...homosexuality...roboducks....I'm not missing anything...a little common sense and logical thinking will get you a long way

And you think its logical for you to keep insisting the thing doesn't work without ever using it?? And I who use it on every hunt should take your advice on it, I think you are completely missing common sense here. You are stuck with your ideas and I care less, don't bash me for using available technology. And the analogy you made between gun sight and homosexuality is pretty pathetic too.
No, I'm insisting it is a trinket of no usefullness without using it, and you supported my argument by admitting if you shoulder your gun properly, it "becomes irrelivant".
Sorry, in asking about your sight, I didn't mean to expose you to so much criticism. I think your video is great, you can call a two bird shot whatever you want to in my books, and I fully support you trying whatever sights you would like. (I'm quite a tolerant person) I'm no expert marksman myself, and I am far too young to be so rooted in tradition that I can't see innovation for what it is.
Hope your season is going well and keep the camera rolling!

Sorry, in asking about your sight, I didn't mean to expose you to so much criticism. I think your video is great, you can call a two bird shot whatever you want to in my books, and I fully support you trying whatever sights you would like. (I'm quite a tolerant person) I'm no expert marksman myself, and I am far too young to be so rooted in tradition that I can't see innovation for what it is.
Hope your season is going well and keep the camera rolling!


Hey thanks Mike, there's nothing to be sorry about, I have this sight for 3 years now, I'll be glad to tell you about how it works, as far criticism goes, I'll openly take constructive ones and just shrug the BS, and definition of tradition varies, I'm myself open to all the new technology has to offer, thanks for your kind words.
Farrukh- You exude class and charisma and are a true sportsman. I think the sight really needs to look at who they select to represent as their moderators.