September - What on your workbench?

You guys are truly artists & I am working from the other side of the brain, a 1985 johnson 20 remote that wont idle, for now.
Some Moak influenced Cans. The my dad's repainted original in the back, two corkers for the rig to the front, and in between a cedar to be a gift for my dad:


When the sealer had dried on their birds & keels, a session was devoted to learning how to make a bird self-right.

Everyone got to melt & pour their own lead so the keel they made could be internally weighted. Then, before permanently attaching the keels, they tested their birds to make sure keels were positioned right and that the decoy would right after being placed upside down.

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Bob, just a heads-up. Don't try to extend your Val-Oil supply by using an overcoat of Spar Varnish for the second coat-they aren't compatible.
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Nice work Bob! I appreciate you sharing your goodness. Team Furia oughta do real well in the Chesapeake Challenge. I wish I was there with you but, will be chasing divers up north instead... My best to Team Furia! Pat