This memory just popped in my head and made me laugh. Tales of Fifth Grade Nothing.
I had a pretty long walk to elementary school and one day while in the final stretch a classmate, Scott, who was walking with me found a beer can in someone's front yard. He picked the can up and the heft made it obvious it had not been opened. Probably tossed out of the window of a teenager the night before. This story pre-dates MADD and teen drinking and driving was pretty common back in the day. Well Scott takes the can and stuffs it in his lunch box. I completely forgot about it and at noon we file into the cafeteria, lunch boxes in hand. About ten minutes into lunch Scott reaches in his box and pulls out the can of beer. Some of the fifth-grade students were shocked while others snickered. In an unprecedented move Scott grabbed the tab and pulled it back unleashing the unmistakable sound of an opening beer. I guess our teachers knew that sound all-to-well because their heads snapped around like Linda Blair in the Exorcist to witness the beer foam mist cloud settle on my classmates. In less than 2 seconds flat Scott was jerked up by the arm and halfway to the principal's office by our teacher with a none-to-pleased look on her face. The next day we had a school assembly with the county Sherrif who talked to us about the hazards of underage drinking and drugs. Looking back, I don't think Scott drank or did anything wrong the rest of his school says and he was quite active in his church group. He simply saw an opportunity to grab some attention. Mission accomplished ol' buddy.
I had a pretty long walk to elementary school and one day while in the final stretch a classmate, Scott, who was walking with me found a beer can in someone's front yard. He picked the can up and the heft made it obvious it had not been opened. Probably tossed out of the window of a teenager the night before. This story pre-dates MADD and teen drinking and driving was pretty common back in the day. Well Scott takes the can and stuffs it in his lunch box. I completely forgot about it and at noon we file into the cafeteria, lunch boxes in hand. About ten minutes into lunch Scott reaches in his box and pulls out the can of beer. Some of the fifth-grade students were shocked while others snickered. In an unprecedented move Scott grabbed the tab and pulled it back unleashing the unmistakable sound of an opening beer. I guess our teachers knew that sound all-to-well because their heads snapped around like Linda Blair in the Exorcist to witness the beer foam mist cloud settle on my classmates. In less than 2 seconds flat Scott was jerked up by the arm and halfway to the principal's office by our teacher with a none-to-pleased look on her face. The next day we had a school assembly with the county Sherrif who talked to us about the hazards of underage drinking and drugs. Looking back, I don't think Scott drank or did anything wrong the rest of his school says and he was quite active in his church group. He simply saw an opportunity to grab some attention. Mission accomplished ol' buddy.
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