Tohatsu vs Suzuki


I'm in need of a new motor. Due to the weight constraints of my little boat, I've narrowed my options down to either the Tohatsu 20 or Suzuki 20. (Really a 15hp would be plenty, but the 20hp is the same weight, so I'm going with the higher hp)

I was 95% set on the Tohatsu, but some research concluded that Suzuki is also a good choice and within a similar budget.

Any input/experience with either before I part ways with my hard earned cash?

No first hand experience, but if I post up something that will guarantee more people will post only to counter what I've said. :)

Over the years watching the forums for motor recs in the 20-50 hp range, I've seldom seen anyone say anything bad about the Suzuki motors or the Tohatsu motors, so there is that. I have not idea which is considered better to buy new now. The old advice is buy whatever has the best dealer in your area.
Well, Tod is wrong, of course. About something, anyway.

My local dealer, a good friend of mine from long ago, likes them both. He sells more of the Suzuki and initially recommended them to me - but I was leaning Tohatsu and he thought they were very comparable in quality. Tohatsu is a bit cheaper.
There is a fellow who has an outboard repair shop across the street from my office. I don't think they retail outboards. It's him and three other mechanics wrenching full time, so it's a pretty solid business. He's maintained or fixed many motors of mine going back around 40 years. I have not inquired about Tohatsu, but of the Mercury/Honda/Yamaha/Suzuki lineups he currently suggests the Suzuki's for combined reliability and ease of maintenance/repair.
I know nothing about either of these motors first hand. I will say, I have followed the suzuki bigger motors and am seriously considering a 200 hp for my bass boat when it comes time to repower. I have always been a mercury guy, but I keep hearing the most amazing things about suzuki outboards. No matter who I ask, they say to just get a suzuki and you wont regret it. Yammies were the motor to have on all the coasts. All you would see is yammies on all the boats on coast lines. Go walk now, you see a wild amount of suzuki. They have really started to make a good name for themselves.

In the smaller stuff, seems everyone is using the tohatsu motors though. Freedom, prodrive, everyone here... so theres something to be said about the tohatsu.
I don't think you can go wrong on either one. I had a Suzuki DF140, but that is not comparable to what you're looking at(it was a good motor). But I see many smaller Suzuki motors around these days and owners seem to like them. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that many of the smaller 4 stroke Mercury's use or have used Tohatsu engines and the mercury gearcase. A friend of mine has an older Nissan branded Tohatsu 18 and it is a great motor(4 stroke).
Consider which motor dealer you'd rather deal with. Maybe closest, best service, et. I,ve got a 25 Tohatsu on a 16' jon. Been a great motor. Suzuki's are good to. Also consider which is currently running best warranty deals .
No Suzi experience in outboards, but my little Tohatsu is a good engine. Whisper quiet. I did own 2 Suzi dirtbikes that were always reliable, and excellent in the turns. I wouldn't hesitate buying a Suzi outboard. Buy the one you can get the best/closest service and support, if the price is similar.
Here is a YouTube Channel that has their finger on the pulse of outboard engines. They know everyone of them inside and out, new and old. Lots of good info there. They are pro Suzuki and can explain in detail why. Mainly because of they are well built reliable engines. But they also like things about other brands as well. A lot of boat and engine manufacturers tend to reach out to them for meetings, reviews, and collaborations.

Team Marine Service
Thanks for all the replies! I was suffering from a touch of "Analysis Paralysis," and had a hard time deciding. Of all the research, I don't think I saw any negativity on Tohatsu or Suzuki. I'm sure I could have chosen either and been very happy.

I ended up ordering a Tohatsu (with electric start) this morning.

Comparing the two on paper, the Tohatsu just looked "slightly" better in all areas I was concerned. The Tohatsu was a few hundred dollars cheaper, a few pounds lighter, slightly higher displacement, etc.. on paper it just looked slightly better. The dealer I bought from is a "Suzuki Outboard Team" dealer. (Master dealer/distributor?) When questioned, the sales guy I dealt with recommended the Tohatsu over Suzuki.

He didn't give any specific reasoning, only said, "I prefer the Japanese made Tohatsu over the Suzuki." Because he had an opportunity to "up-sale" me on a more expensive motor, and didn't, was the final push I needed for the Tohatsu.

Again, thanks for all in input!
I have had a 99 Suzuki DF40 for 5 years that has had zero issues other than replacing the thermostat (I run in salt water) and the rectifier. Not sure if they were ever replaced before then. The thing is older than both my kids put together and I never am really concerned about it.
Saw you bought the Tohatsu, was just wondering if you looked at the Yamabisi motors at all? There are a number of good reviews on y/t but I haven't heard of anyone I know buying one. Thinking for next season, but I'll need a boat first. Been watching CL for a 16' Lund SSV, but I'm not spending 9000. on a new one.
Thanks for all the replies! I was suffering from a touch of "Analysis Paralysis," and had a hard time deciding. Of all the research, I don't think I saw any negativity on Tohatsu or Suzuki. I'm sure I could have chosen either and been very happy.

I ended up ordering a Tohatsu (with electric start) this morning.

Comparing the two on paper, the Tohatsu just looked "slightly" better in all areas I was concerned. The Tohatsu was a few hundred dollars cheaper, a few pounds lighter, slightly higher displacement, etc.. on paper it just looked slightly better. The dealer I bought from is a "Suzuki Outboard Team" dealer. (Master dealer/distributor?) When questioned, the sales guy I dealt with recommended the Tohatsu over Suzuki.

He didn't give any specific reasoning, only said, "I prefer the Japanese made Tohatsu over the Suzuki." Because he had an opportunity to "up-sale" me on a more expensive motor, and didn't, was the final push I needed for the Tohatsu.

Again, thanks for all in input!

Hope you have fun with your new motor, best of luck.

I was thinking it's a bit of a bummer discussing Tohatsu vs Suzuki. I miss a good old Johnson/Evinrude vs. Mercury argument. And long live two-strokes!
I'm glad you got yourself a motor, and am sure that you will be happy with it. If I ever wanted to get rid of my 25 Yamaha 2 stroke, which I just don't see but admit is possible (ughhh), I'd be looking at what you looked at.
Saw you bought the Tohatsu, was just wondering if you looked at the Yamabisi motors at all? There are a number of good reviews on y/t but I haven't heard of anyone I know buying one. Thinking for next season, but I'll need a boat first. Been watching CL for a 16' Lund SSV, but I'm not spending 9000. on a new one.
My understanding is these clones work very well in the Asian market because there is no ethanol in their fuel. I would be more leary of the castings, machined surfaces, etc. Having said that, love my Mud Runner w/Honda engine! Richard
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I think you'll be happy with the tohatsu.

I purchased the 20hp short shaft electric start tohatsu before the 2023 hunting season to run on my 14 foot mod v jon boat and have been very pleased with it. I have it paired with a smaller motorcycle battery and have never had any issues. Probably about 30 hours on mine so far, so still very new.

I would have loved power trim, but not in the cards. Maybe next time around.