Whats on the workbench in April.

Brandon, Nice job. You just made leaps ahead in your painting with those mergs. My favorites you have made!

Yeah man, when did you become such a pro? I love the lawn darts and the blacks as well. Maybe you can give me some painting lessons when I'm up this summer;-) Still wishing I could have taken that class.
First things first: Chuck and Dave are not allowed to comment on the speed, or lack there of, at which this rig is being constructed;-)

And now on to my workbench. The workbench doesn't have room for all of them at the same time, so they are on the floor. I hope to have the rest of these hollowed and ready for paint by the first of next month at the latest. Then, I hope to be able to float them at Dave's later this summer.


This is my first rig of more than 3 and is basically decoys #5-10 for me. The different positions have been fun but frustrating as well. I think I'm going to make them all a bit more uniform for the next rig. Also, I'm hoping I don't have to tell you guys the species.
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Nice work guys, looks like another busy month.

Here are the completed pics of my 2012 rig of hen Turkey decoys.

If anyone hasn't seen the progression of these over the past month you can catch up on the process in the "March" workbench thread.

I will be making matching calls to go with them this week.

Rig Pic.

Suitcase heads ready to go.

Oil Painted Remarque inside hollow of Suitcase hen.

Harvest record notation on oppsite side.

I had a friend make fleece bags to protect the heads while being stored in the suitcase portion of the decoy.

Glad to see all the work being done this month already and I appreciate the kind words about my work.

Bob, You know I love that high head and Ohio had more to offer then mergansers just not in the numbers that it has mergansers... We shot Scotters, GE's, Buffies and Bills that day in addition to the Mergs.

Brian, Those mergs went into sausage but in the past I did serve a gourmet meal of them to some close friends at duck camp. I kept them in water for 5 days and changed it two times a day. Then used a marniate of A1 and grilled them. I had low hopes of how they would turn out but they were actually good. No one knew what they were eating and everyone said they tasted like a mild diver. Some still accuse me of serving redhead instead.

Paul, Ill see about getting some close ups of the drakes for you.

Everyone else thanks for the complements.

Andrew, them there are ringnecks. I know because you have been working on ringers for the last year and a half. Chuck told me!

Amazing on those turkeys. The details you put into them sure puts them over the top are you keeping one?
Thanks Guys,

Steve they weigh in at just under 4.5 pounds. Not all that bad especially when you use a shoulder bag to transport.

Brandon, yes I'll be keeping one to gun with.
Brandon, LOVE the mergs! I think my favorite is the back preening one....I have 3 cedar half logs that I've been saving for a merg rig for whenever I can get around to it....I can't imagine a 36 bird rig though....


Turkeys are neat.


The more I look at the blending you did on the sides of those hens, the more I like it!
Nice work all of you ,Jode those turkey sets are to die for. Fantastic concept and execution.Had a nice hen in the front yard yesterday .
I havnt got any april projects going yet ill post it here later when I do . Trout season has me side tracked some from carving ducks .

regarding the canvas buffalump-tell him to get them to havre de grace, first weekend in may, and to bring boots--Dekes should be rigged with at least 5' per-Rig comp is specific-this year, it is buffies, and will be held on saturday-Register them inthe museum, and set in the water, below the museum, on the historic flats! No big prizes, just bragging rights for the year!!!