What's on your WORK BENCH - DECEMBER 2020

Collaborated with my old friend, artist Adriano Manocchia, to produce a framed etching with flies. His etching, my framing, matting and flies. Has been pretty popular!

GaryView attachment dark frame.jpg

My friends in New Brunswick liked it. There are no paddles in canoes up there, only poles. They have a saying, "If poling was easy, they'd call it kayaking."
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Thanks Steve...I appreciate that. It's been a long time for sure, I missed seeing all the decoys and boats. I have a lot of irons in the fire once again, things are certainly looking up. Keep those pics coming!
Good morning, Bob~

Something out-of-the-ordinary has recently come of my work bench, too. It was crafted by one commonly mistaken for Santa Himself here at Pencil Brook Boatworks.

I'm guessing the license plate celebrates J. E. Sanford, age 3.

View attachment JES 01 - front quarter.JPG

One cannot help but wonder how this "Woodie" version of the storied SUV would fare in the marketplace....

View attachment sm JES 02 - profile.JPG

The canoe is, of course, securely lashed to the custom roof rack.

View attachment sm JES 06 - rear quarter B.JPG

I am hoping a Certain Young Lad will give me a few paddlin' pointers hereabouts sometime in '21. I am told that sea trials were successfully conducted in a certain kitchen sink recently.

View attachment sm JES 05 - Canoe.JPG

Santa was probably inspired by an actual '03 Honda Element - regularly sighted in southern Washington County....

View attachment Element with Canvasback 3L.jpg

All the best,

Love your little car Steve! I loved those things as a kid....my dad had made a big tanker truck semi for my brother and me when we were little....we wore that "big rig" out.

Christmas weekend I finished up (mostly) working on the johnny house. Another friend came out and helped me paint and install my catch box and a few other things. I added some inner quail shelves so the little bitties can get up and sun themselves when the are living in the house. I made sure everything was pretty much ready to be installed so that we could get it all installed fairly "quick" and move onto the painting.



Belle came along to help. Mostly, she babysat someone else's box.


As well as the residents of the box.


I realized after taking these pictures that there was some touching up still to do and I think we got all of the touch up spots that were missed during painting. I will say that we learned not to put together a house like this without painting everything BEFORE putting up the wire. Makes it much easier to paint.

I have a few things to install today since the paint wasn't dry by the time sunset was making its way around. Overall though, I am quite happy with my Quail Condo.



Since she was such a good babysitter, was very patient and also quiet, I took Belle on a short walk through the quail woods (away from the johnny houses) and not too long into the walk, she has a very nice solid point on a single! She is becoming more and more steady.


So we ended on a great note as well as an almost complete Quail Condo.

Hey, Dani, did you build an egg collection system somewhere? Those little buggers are quite the egg layers! Even the eggs taste pretty good![;)]
Good morning, Dani~

Beautiful work! Got plans?

A local friend raised Bobwhites this past year - and I have long thought of doing the same - just to hear their calls on the farm.

All the best,



No egg collection at this point. Right now these quail will be for training my girl. I have contemplated some quail living at my house for the pleasure of watching them as well as have eggs. I haven't totally decided at this point on that.


I do have plans. This house was built off of my own plans that I made based on the plans that I had ordered and after looking at other houses that were built on the lease. The plans I bought are 4'x4' and I would think would be good on a piece of property that you can move the house around. If I had a few acres of my own, my house would be on wheels and probably the 4'x4'. The number I have seen is that about 1 sq ft for each quail and the place I buy my quail from sell in multiples of 25. After talking with a couple of lease holders, their experience has been that the bigger houses end up having healthier birds so that is what I opted for.

I can send you copies of the plans if you would like.

Thanks y'all!!


A simple sketch with the key measurements would be great!



Steve Sanford

160 Gannon Road
Buskirk, NY 12028

Thanks very much!


Nothing like the call of a Bobwhite in the morning, and late in the day to put a SMILE on yer face. [smile]

If it does not, there is something very telling about who ya are. [;)]