What's on your WORK BENCH - DECEMBER 2020

Thank you Vince, they turned out pretty good.

It's pretty fun making them and wish I had more time right now to make more. My house is having a bunch of work done to it and my shop is in no order to work in it and plus we are staying at my mother in laws (we all get along so it's not too bad) so just don't have the space to make much.
george w said:
Matt, nice flier. You need to think about making a little group mobile!!

Thanks George. Was thinking the same thing. This is my third. Previously made a bluebill and a bufflehead.

Thanks Tony,

We will have it next year Lord willing. Let's all get a head start for next year and get started on the minis.
Steve, I suspect your gender reassignment decision will have a more limited effect on an animal that employs a cloaca...but I might be wrong. Nice lines on that black, I can see why his decoys are so popular.
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mallyards pitching into a decoy in the shop,
Pair of minimallards and an oversized drake, who is now keeled. Bottom needs paint, then it will be boxed for a journey to Vermont. I play with minifliers when I have naught to do or someone requests them.
Painting all at the same time is kind of fun, especially having to deal with upper and lower wings.