What's on your WORK BENCH - DECEMBER 2020


Grey duck looks Good.

I hear thee about the paintin', and agree about bein' more trying than a Wood Duck drake.

Your work is much more detailed and refined than what I do, but subtle tones ain't easy to do, and may indeed cause fits. [;)]

Best regards
Hateful birds, especially the coloring on the scapular edges. Right now, with a specimen sitting in front of me, THAT part is making me loopy. Have fun![w00t]
Tom, bodies and hen heads are Homers. The drake heads are cast from a mold that John Bourbon carved the plug for. Originally meant to be a hen woody, but did not work for me. This was first attempt to use it as a GW drake. One head snuggled some. Next group will get some massaging of the heads perhaps to accentuate the crest.

Hi All,

It's been a long time since I've posted anything on here. I figured these calls deserved to be shown off here since they are both made with some salt cedar that Al Hansen sent to me a while back...thanks again Al! Both of these calls now reside in Nashville, TN.

Double reed timber style w/ brass band (pinned)

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And a curly ambrosia maple box call with salt cedar lid loaded up with a beaver tail inlay...

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Well, I do actually have something to contribute to the workbench thread. I joined a quail lease in May and have been trying to get my own johnny house built. A friend kept saying they would help me but things kept coming up. Finally, we are getting good weather for running Belle and I am still johnny house-less. I called up a long time family friend who lives in Jacksonville and begged/bribed him to come help me. He took pity on me but could only give me one day.

I made sure to get all of the supplies Friday night and in 12 hours this is what we accomplished. A mostly all built 4x8 Quail Condo. He has a lot of experience building homes so while he thought my house for quail was over built, he did have a high threshhold for quality construction. I drew up the plans based on some 4x4 plans as well as looking at other johnny houses out at the lease.

We got the walls all framed out at my house. I borrowed my neighbors' utility trailer and we had two hours of daylight left to put it all up and together. The walls went up super quick.








We hit a snag with the roofing which took up a good bit more time than it should have. Billy is upset with it but we began running out of light so we made do with what we had.


As a result of the snag, the hardware cloth and siding were put up courtesy of Chevrolet. The door has issues but that is my fault and not being able to visualize how it all would work together when drawing up my plans. The good thing is that everything else that needs finishing up is stuff I can do on my own.



For now the door is screwed up and I shall get the supplies to make the needed fix.

All in all, 12 hours and a lot of sweat and patience and I now have my own Quail Condominium ( Billy says it is a monstrosity and the best digs for death row inmates that he has ever seen....but I am pleased with it). I could have done this by myself but it would have likely taken five times as long. Condo building is better with multiple people than a solo endeavor. I am quite grateful to have had help. Add some paint, do the minor fixes and Belle will be off and running after her own quail....

Great digs for some future Bob Whites. Remember my days fondly of keeping a few caged for training my bird dogs. Now you,ve got to install a flight pen off the side or end somewhere to keep those birds healthy.
Wow Steve! Your work is incredible! And thanks for the goose painting tutorial online! Here?s my December project. A quick 4? black duck silohuettes.
jode hillman said:
Dani that's so cool. I took to raising bobwhites again this year. They are so enjoyable


I agree. IMO they are the best eating upland bird the Good Lord put on earth. So good ya try to eat the bones.

Years ago a fellow carver, and my old junior high shop teacher Jim Gibbs raised Bobwhites. He knew how much I enjoyed them, and every time I went to his country home would half jokingly, tell me. "You stay the hell away from my Quail!"

Best regards