What's on your WORKBENCH ? -April 2020

Used the old waterlox on a butcher block counter with an undermount sink. Zero problems ever. I have just a splash left in the bottom of an old can. Is the new formula as good as the old stuff? When val oil bit the dust I used the old waterlox for cork birds.
bob welsh said:
Used the old waterlox on a butcher block counter with an undermount sink. Zero problems ever. I have just a splash left in the bottom of an old can. Is the new formula as good as the old stuff? When val oil bit the dust I used the old waterlox for cork birds.

I've been using what is still sold as "Original Sealer Finish." I haven't tried their other products, but wouldn't hesitate to.


Mr. Embacher,

Them's some mighty fine Decoys IMO.

Really like the form, bold blocked paint, and vibrant Color done just right.

Bills are the perfect icing on the cake, and your forte.

Everything about each Decoy is complimentary.

That sir is not easy to DO.

Two thumbs UP.

Bob, I love that dog! Is it flat on the back side? or is the sign going to hang from the dogs' feet?

Good morning, All~

Yet another From the Bench of George Williams....

Chiloe Wigeon

View attachment GW - Chiloe Wigeon.jpg

I've been focusing on farm stuff - lots of sawing and mowing and yanking Tartarian Honeysuckle out with a chain. I also cut and peeled a batch of Black Locust posts.

View attachment Locust posts - peeling 1.JPG

As per a recommendation I found on-line, I loosened up the bark by first driving back and forth over the pile with my tractor. I drove crosswise, diagonally and lengthwise. It made the ensuing task with a draw knife very easy. They now await my neighbor's tractor-mounted auger.

View attachment Locust posts peeling 2.JPG

I also reinstalled the rails on my son Ben's Merrimack Fisherman. I had refinished the hull and rebuilt the rails last Fall.

View attachment Bens Merrimack - outside.JPG

Rails were painted yesterday. Seats and thwarts go in later this morning - before the whole rig goes up to Champlain tomorrow.

View attachment Thwarts in sun.JPG

I just bought myself this pair of Quogue Wildfowlers. I will repair the Drake's bill soon - later today if I can find the time.

View attachment WF Canvasback pair BEFORE.JPG

And, I shot a gun for the first time since Monovision began broadcasting hereabouts last October. Just like Barney Fife, I was allotted one bullet. I instinctively brought the gun up to my right shoulder and right eye. After minor adjustments, the job was done from the port side....

(That's my father-inlaw's Savage 23D - in .22 Hornet).

View attachment First Shot - 7 April 2020.JPG

The World of Wingshooting remains to be explored.

All the best,



All lefty - shoulder, eye, trigger finger. Easy enough. The trick will be trying my pump - at a moving target.

All the best,


Now that you shot him, how you going to cook that woodchuck?? [whistle]

I have a Savage Bolt Action 30-30 that I have yet to shoot. Those old Savages are good solid guns.
Sorry, Carl -

Two other friends were in line ahead of you. But a Crow and a Turkey Vulture got to the table first.....

