Search results

  1. L

    Looking for app

    Figured it out... nevermind
  2. L

    Looking for app

    I hate to be a burden, but I have upgraded my phone(Android). The Duckboats app didn't transfer to my new phone. I didn't see it on the Google Play store. Could you provide a link to its location? Love the forum. Please forgive me, I've got a slide rule mind in a digital world.
  3. L

    Dumb question

    Several years ago I remember catching an episode of Nature on PBS...the episode dealt with the senses of animals... I remember it stated that waterfowl's eyes have the potential to have the some of the best color vision in the animal kingdom. Conversely, they have poor vision in the dark. This...
  4. L

    Buying new clothes?

    I need some advice. Earlier this year I lost a lot of hunting equipment in a fire. Thankfully no one was hurt, my Columbia Quad parka, Columbia bibs & waders were a total loss. It has been a while since I've done any serious shopping for clothing, does anyone have any recommendations on the...
  5. L

    Opinions of self-blueing gun products

    ...I'd recommend Brownells products...they have good tech might want to try the bluing on a piece of scrap steel first, just to iron out any bugs in the process...
  6. L

    20g Recommendations?

    I've never personally owned a Rem 1100 in 20 ga. 0nly 12gage. I highly recommend one to anyone though. I have heard that the smaller Gage guns really run best if kept clean. I put a light film of Break Free CLP on the magazine tube of my gas guns & they run like a watch. Break Free was designed...
  7. L

    ..She Floats!!!!

    Ya might want to try adding a strip of canvas or polyethylene at the bow.Let it hang into the water to eliminate the shadow.
  8. L

    another vetern waterfowler (gun) will see the marsh again

    I know that Briley makes tubes to take doubles down a gauge. It would make general trap & early season a breeze if ya could use 12 gauge ammo.
  9. L

    If you were to only own one shotgun

    ...if you've never shot a stack barrel before, I'd suggest you try before you buy.... keep an eye out for inertial might think you're all set to go while the gun's not gonna fire... they all have their qwerks....nothing wrong with Winchester, Browning's, Mossberg, Berettas or...
  10. L

    No modern guns here....

    ...I've heard that Briley makes sub-gauge tubes... allowing (modern) 20 gauge to be fired in 12 gauge barrels... I'm sure that they're not cheap,but it can reduce a lot of hassle loading low pressure shells... Unless you're a loony like me,that actually enjoys the reloading process...Glad...
  11. L

    maryland museums...

    in your much time ...approximately...should I plan on spending there??? again...I appreciate you taking the time....
  12. L

    maryland museums...

    ...I'm planning a trip to Maryland at the end of this month....I'm trying to plan the trip...I'm in process of making a list of waterfowl/decoy museums on the Eastern shore/D.C. area...I'd appreciate any advice....
  13. L

    Moose hunt pictures.

    ...looks like Remington "accellerators"...made in the '70's '80's...but...i thought they only came in 30-06,.308 & 30-30... check cartridge dimensions with a micrometer/ caliper...the .270 is very close (dimensionally)to the '06...don't mix em up...could really ruin a season!
  14. L

    Comptons archery event

    Don't forget to stop by the Mark 3...good eats & libations...
  15. L

    What's in your library?

    you've just created my christmas wish list for the rest of my life....did i miss Shotgunning Trends in Transitions by Don Zutz???
  16. L

    Can you drill and tap cast iron?

    if you can find a small machine shop , for a modest fee they would be glad to help you ... pizza & doughnuts can buy a lot of friends... if you do it yourself OSGTOOL.COM makes drills & taps for specialized applications, get hold of a tech guy for advice on what equipment you have...use a tap...
  17. L

    North Alabama Guys: Loose a Duck Gun??

    son of bo-whoop
  18. L

    Air tools vs electric power tools

    good stuff on air real gremlin with air tools is water...air is notorious for having water in it...the big industrial supply stores sell water separators & lubricators...they can be set to filter out the water that is always present in air lines...the lubricators can be set to...
  19. L

    Compton Traditional Bowhunters Rendezvous

    if you're in town that weekend...there's a pawn shop up the road that usually has a dozen or so stick-bows....also the MarkIII has some real good eats & libations...I'm in no way affiliated with these establishments ...just a resident & a patron...hope you have a good one!!!
  20. L

    Air guns

    ...with regards to spring piston air guns,less is more... fast air guns have some funky push-pull reverse recoil thing that can make them difficult to put pellets on the mark...youth model air guns go 800 fps or less(plenty fast enough, about the same speed as# 4 lead shot @ 40 yards)...are...