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  1. jehler

    some pix from my season

    Ha! That is my son Brian, thank you, everytime someone thinks he's a girl (and that happens often) i get him one step closer to a haircut
  2. jehler

    some pix from my season

    That is Chach, he had a punctured stomach about 2 years ago and almost didn't make it, he spent 3 days in a coma and it left him a little, well, brain damaged i guess. He was a great retriver, whistle, hand commands, retrieved to he wont even jump off the boat but still loves the...
  3. jehler

    some pix from my season

    Thanks guys, i used to be hesitant to post pictures as i feared "cyber scouters" stealing my spots, lately, the areas we are hunting are so distant and the equipment so specialized that i don't worry so much about that, hell, there are days i wouldn't mind some company LOL! the blonde in the...
  4. jehler

    some pix from my season

    When we hunt we usually have at least 3 and sometimes up to 5-7 guys. We have a 24' blind boat, a layout boat and a 14' tender we run back and forth to the layout with. all the birds go onto a shelf in the aft starboard side of the blind boat. I had recieved an email from a fellow hunter that...
  5. jehler

    scattered shots

    awesome, I have been trading the camera for my gun more often as my son gets older, i really need to get some better glass for my canon. those are very impressive shots
  6. jehler

    some pix from my season

    hit or miss John, the youth season we were covered up in teal, woodies and local mallards and blacks, the week before the opener we had a strong cold front move through violently from the north and cleared out a good number of teal and woodies and then it warmed up and was blue skies and calm...
  7. jehler

    Another first for me

    It took me a second, then i laughed out loud! I need to get out of the office
  8. jehler

    some pix from my season

    Hi guys, Haven't been on in a long while but feel blessed to have had another great seson, didn't get out but for maybe 10 or 12 hunts this year but when we did get out we made the best of it and got off the beaten path, thought i would share some pictures, mostly lake Mi and superior with some...
  9. jehler

    Did I limit out?

    I would happily trade a goose egg with that scenery for a limit at my local marsh....once anyway!
  10. jehler

    Getting more RPM's out of my outboard?

    like others said a tach first, then a smaller pitch bigger diameter prop. If a heavy load is common I would get a prop that puts you 4 or 500 rpm over max rpm and then have a prop shop add cup to the prop until the rpm's are where they should be, this will get you the best bang for the buck...
  11. jehler

    buy you new fuel tank before 2/28

    that's over 33 million gallons...right? am I the only one that finds that to be comical? who comes up with that number?
  12. jehler

    buy you new fuel tank before 2/28

    the epa causing prices to rise...imagine that
  13. jehler

    Is 24ft to large for duckboat?

    I hunt out of a 24' boat with an 8.5' beam, it is built on toons so while the boat is very differnt in construction it is close in size. we built a permanant hardframe blind and cover it with natural vegitation and we do real well. The boat works great in tandom with a layout boat and a small...
  14. jehler

    Painting the boat.

    I used to manage a johnson/evinrude dealership, just talked with the owner about that same motor, he just put one on his steelhead boat....I think your going to love it!
  15. jehler

    Took a Walkabout---

    I'd almost think someone got a new macro lens, nice pix it will be a while before we see flowers here
  16. jehler

    Lots of Green and ....

    that is very fine limit of ducks, I may be just a little jealous...
  17. jehler

    A new day at an old spot

    A few pics form friday and saturday, My son hasn't been on many puddle duck hunts, it was a nice change of pace to take him to a spot where my hunting career started
  18. jehler


    And from Grand Rapids....hmmm, are you possibly a Dutchman?
  19. jehler

    new motor

    Here is a newspaper article pertaining to one of my buddies experience last fall in northern mi, we were out the same day about 40 miles north of him, the weather was bad but I don't think they would have ended up like they did if they would have had an outboard, the longtails are just not made...
  20. jehler


    some of your experiences run parrerall with many of my own to the extent that I get a few goosebumps remembering them, different times in different states but similar all the same but that line right there really hits home