Search results

  1. Steve Postma

    German Wirehaired Pointer

    Growing up I had a German Shorthair ( i know not a wirehair but close). I never hunted with him, but that dog was hardwired for birds. We had 5 acres and all he did all day was go from place to place looking for them. ALL DAY... Birds was what he lived for. It didnt matter if it was a sparrow...
  2. Steve Postma

    Anybody see the news about

    Good Boy! Your a good dog! (Not you Lee, those two fantastic beasts)
  3. Steve Postma

    Gordy has a cut on his pad rear foot.. advice?

    Aren't Labs the best? I can tell my Sammy to stop licking a sore and he will... while sighing loudly in protest. They just want to please you. Sam cut his paw this summer, blood everywhere. It took about 4 weeks to fully heal. Good luck.
  4. Steve Postma

    Lt. Michael Murphy to receive the Medal of Honor

    No one stands taller in my view, than are fighting men and women. For many months I have been thinking of naming my boat the "Jason L Dunham" I dont know if the people that have served would consider that disrespectfull to his memory (shes a 70 year...
  5. Steve Postma

    Best Primative Weapon for Deer?(NDR)

    Just Googled GAMBO with no returns, do you have a link?
  6. Steve Postma

    The canvas goose (lots of pics)

    What did you use for wire and what was the source? Would love to see pics when it is painted.
  7. Steve Postma

    Sad day today..

    Sorry for your loss, we all feel for you...
  8. Steve Postma

    Dawg pic...

    yea!!! water!!!!!
  9. Steve Postma

    Coaming question

    You can do the same with ash if you have access to a planer or the right materials. Use 6 - 1/8 thick strips of ash to make your curve. ( I use to be a woodworker in a former life).
  10. Steve Postma

    Coaming question

    I used 2 strips of 3/8 okoume plywood. I screwed and epoxied in the first strip to gain my curve, then epoxied strip2 to #1, matted and epoxied the whole thing.
  11. Steve Postma

    Is all BS 1088 Plywood perfectly square?

    Another way to check your squareness on any square or rectangle is to measure corner to kitty corner and then do the same for the other two corners. If the measurement is the same, the sheet is square.
  12. Steve Postma

    Bad end to the week.

    Sorry to hear that John, she looked like a handsome girl. Steve
  13. Steve Postma

    new fixed

    Here's a update on the boat as of July 27, I really want to get this baby finished. I have a little more epoxy work on the stern, and then build my oar. I may or may not put grass rails on this year.
  14. Steve Postma

    Itchy Dog

    No bands but the sack is empty now
  15. Steve Postma

    Itchy Dog

    Sam went to the vet yesterday, they had no real good solution. I tried the chorepheneramine, but he was getting worse and we went back to the claratin. Earlier I said Benadryl, but it is Claratin we are using. Benadryl was one of the ones we tried earlier. The "Head and Shoulders" shampoo does...
  16. Steve Postma

    Pic of a essex River scull boat- circa-1930s

    Donald, been reading up on sculling, looks very interesting. If I was to put a hole in, would you have advice as to location (above water line, from edge of boat)? From what I've read, both hole and oar are lined with leather? Thanks,
  17. Steve Postma

    Pic of a essex River scull boat- circa-1930s

    Donald, has a T. Noonan in Rochester NH, could this be him? Thanks
  18. Steve Postma

    Pic of a essex River scull boat- circa-1930s

    Thanks for your help Donald, I will definitely give him a call. I probably wont put in a hole right away. I bought a little 6 hp and will play with that a while. I don't gun anywhere yet, I am a fresh return to the sport. I grew up hunting pheasant, quail and dove in CA years ago. Recently...
  19. Steve Postma

    Itchy Dog

    My best buddy is increasingly having problems with allergies as he is getting older. July and August are just miserable for him. Skin is flaky, hair falls out, scratching all the time. He takes a Benadril twice a day, and we have been using the oatmeal shampoo and cream rinse. Last year without...
  20. Steve Postma

    Pic of a essex River scull boat- circa-1930s

    She's 16 feet long, plywood over mahogany ribs. Where there is a joint in a rib, there is a patch of 1/4 plywood on each side and brass screws through. She has been fiberglassed at least twice, and drab green may have been the original color. The transom may have been replaced at some time...