Search results

  1. Greg P

    Dave past away

    Sorry to hear of Dave's passing. We are quickly losing the people of the greatest generation and Dave is one of them. People like Dave have helped mold this County into a great place. RIP Dave Hagerbaumer.
  2. Greg P

    Front end replacements for trucks...

    Might want to look at Frontier and Ranch Hand brands.
  3. Greg P

    Ted Nugent

    My opinon of Nugent has changed over the years. When I was growing up, he was one of the Icons of rock and roll. I have enjoyed his music for may years and still do to a certain extent . He moved here about 15 years ago and lives in the northern part of our county. Have 2 friends that...
  4. Greg P

    Gadwalls expanding their range?

    Gadwalls seem to have replaced the Mallards over the last 20 yrs in Central Texas. Every year we see a larger percentage of the gray duck and less of the greenhead. What used to be green has now been replaced with gray. One of our state Bio's told me that Gadwall will probably be the duck of...
  5. Greg P

    Regional names for birds

    Shovelers - Diggers, Boot Lips Scaup - Do Gris Cormorant - Water Turkey Ibis - Flap and Glide
  6. Greg P

    Duck Commander's banning from his own show

    I see nothing out of line with PR's comments. The politically correct movement is ruining this country. If the queers don't like Phil's thinking, they can go choke on a big ****. That is all.
  7. Greg P

    Lack of Ducks on the Salty Water

    Overall the Texas coastal hunting has been slow except for an abundance of Redheads. The normal amounts of Sprigs, Widgeon, teal and other puddle ducks are not here. Reports from the coastal prairie have been mixed, some have been covered up with puddlers and others are duck less. We have been...
  8. Greg P

    Update on the wolf meat experiment.

    Yote, now that's hardcore !
  9. Greg P

    pro drive surface drive motor

    Brad, with my sheltered life and virgin ears, I have to be careful over there..... Everything is good here and we (southern latitudes) all appreciate the 6 bird limit for teal season. It was put to use this season. Hope all is good in your camp.
  10. Greg P

    Game Strap

    For a heavy duty leather strap: I have has one of these for over 12 yrs with hard use and it still is in great shape. Leather is classic.
  11. Greg P

    pro drive surface drive motor

    Try over at That site is all about mud motors and there is no lack of opinions. Place can get pretty salty too.
  12. Greg P

    2011-12 & 2012-13 Harvest Estimates Reports

    You're supposed to use your vacation days during waterfowl season............
  13. Greg P

    Leg 2 of Jarhead's great adventure

    Working full throttle on the east coast (not too far north of you), will go to the PNW if I get finished in time. Planning another trip to the land of Brant and Pacifico Cerveza in Feb and sure hope I can finish by then ....
  14. Greg P

    Leg 2 of Jarhead's great adventure

    Looks like a good time Brad. Going west for Brant this year ?
  15. Greg P

    Having to put the dog down with kids in the family

    Andrew Very sorry to hear about your dog Brooks. If it were my son that made that request, I would let him be there. It will be a very difficult event for everyone involved, especially him but in the long run will help to give him closure for Brooks passing. Just my 2 cents. Sorry again about...
  16. Greg P

    Finally got out and went for a walk

    Gary Looks like a great time . Thanks for posting. Greg
  17. Greg P

    Anyone switch from eukanuba to another brand?

    I used to feed Euk. performance but switched due to a number of reasons. The first was they did change something in their production. The food we were getting on the kennel plan had lots of oil in it. The dogs did good and their coats looked fantastic. Then the food changed - it did not have the...
  18. Greg P

    TX gunning!

    Great photos. Glad you had a good time gunning " Texas Seaducks ". Bay Flats is a top notch operation. A ride in an airboat with a LS7 is almost as much fun as the hunt itself. I think some of the people duck hunt as an excuse to have one !
  19. Greg P

    I thank all of you for your prayers and support

    Gary My condolences and prayers to you and your family.
  20. Greg P

    East Coast Eider guide

    Another vote for Jack Renfew. Hunted with him 2 years ago and planning to hunt with him again next year. Had a great hunt.