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  1. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    Cassie has passed on. I loved her so much.

    I'm sorry for your loss, Eric. She was a good dog.
  2. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    Texas Coast

    Dunno why.... I previewed the post... Anyway, I'm in Rockport right now, hunting with my son and a whole bunch of other guys. It's an annual event though Blast and Cast Men's Ministries. If you come down to the Texas coast, get a guide. The bays can be...
  3. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    Sara Wilson's last hours.

    I'm sorry for your loss, Mike. I wish they would live longer.
  4. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    Site Fundraiser Auction - LZ Black Duck Decoys

    $100 .... DOH! April 11. I really should check in more often.
  5. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    NDR Friday Humor

    The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it...
  6. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    NDR Friday Humor

    i made a d in high school typing
  7. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    NDR Friday Humor

    Frowning, the IT guy looks at the blond as he helps her unlock her account and reset her password. "Tell me... why 'MickeyMinnieGoofyPlutoDonaldDaffySacramento'?" Her face brightens as she proudly replies: "Silly, YOU told me it had to have six charters and a capitol!"
  8. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    my first wooden boat!!!!!!

    I've been thinking about using layout boats or a skull out in the bays near Rockport. I bet you could skull right up on those HUGE rafts of redheads.
  9. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    Son's First Duck Hunt

    I think you just "set the hook." Congratulations!
  10. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    Hunter shot and killed

    I agree. Sick, insensitive, cruel comments. You just can't fix stupid.
  11. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    Hunter shot and killed Another reminder that what we do has risks, that if not managed, can be fatal. A similar thing happened in Katy, last year. Please brief weapon safety when you hunt with others. Pray for this man's wife and child.
  12. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    A Fun Hunt

    There is noting quite like a nice quiet duck hunting hole to soothe the soul.
  13. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    Another Kid's First....

    Very cool indeed! Nice geese.
  14. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    First Duck(s)

    Her first duck hunt was 5 years ago on the same slough. She sat on a bench against a big cypress tree and watched as I fired a tripple shot salute to a blue wing teal. As it flew off, she looked at me and with the sweetest voice asked: "Daddy, HOW could you MISS that!?" She's been on limit...
  15. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    First Duck(s)

    Lizzie and I practiced with her shotgun (Carles Daley youth 20ga.) a couple of times this summer/fall. She was a little intimidated by the recoil. This week, she decided she wanted to get her license and try for her first duck. Today started with a cup of coffee for me and hot coco for her...
  16. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    Merry Christmas

    No, another pilot wrote it..... just a tongue-in-cheek slight to the general propensity for many of our fellow Americans who to lean toward "political correctness." God Bless everyone. Merry Christmas!
  17. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    Merry Christmas

    Unless, of course, that offends you. For those offended I have this greeting: Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, nonaddictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter/summer solstice...
  18. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    need help, im being opressed.....

    Me too. I'll be slaving away over a hot autopilot all day on the 24th, 25th, and 26th. Capitalist pigs gonna make me work or they won't pay me. Where's my handout?
  19. Paul "Pablo" Britton

    Tag-alongs Tuesday

    Bob, As always, your work is impeccable. I could never bring myself to shoot over your decoys.... too beautiful. Dave, my wife uses the word "obsessive" to describe my hunting habits. I prefer passionate.