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  1. DWilliams

    Saskatchewan Hunt

    That looks outstanding, Paul ! I was out there hunting with my Dad about - gulp! - 25 years ago and still have some crystal clear memories including shooting my first and to-date only canvasback. Did you chase Huns and/or grouse, too? All the best, Dan
  2. DWilliams

    Canada increases Black Duck limits

    Further to Paul's comment about hybrids, the explanation that I read regarding this limit change from 1 to 2 was that the Black duck population is being impacted by cross-breeding with Mallards and that hunting in Canada has been determined to have negligible impact. There was no mention of the...
  3. DWilliams

    Boat Build

    Hi Darin - Thanks for posting this. I bet I've read the description and studied the plans in 'Successful Waterfowling' a dozen times, so I am keen to watch you put one together. All the best, Dan
  4. DWilliams

    picked up the float yesterday

    Thanks, Chris - Cool looking boat! (And I re-read your 'adding to the fleet' post) Congrats and, All the best, Dan
  5. DWilliams

    picked up the float yesterday

    Nice pick up, Chris! If I may, what are the objects in the fourth and fifth pics? Look to me like two backrests or seats (?) with some sort of rack for storing oarlocks? I'm sure that I am missing it, though. Ditto Carl's request: I'd love to see the whole hull and to hear how you intend...
  6. DWilliams

    Look out guys in Callifornia....

    Thanks, Ed, for the considered response. (And I won't challenge you on whether Newfies think of themselves as part of Canada or not - ha!). You know far more about the particulars of this case and the laws involved than I do having only read the news report that you posted. From what you...
  7. DWilliams

    Look out guys in Callifornia....

    Hi Chris - Thanks for the reply. Not to duck the question, but I really wasn't trying to draw a box around specific weapons when I used that phrase. I would say that, ex post, weapons that enabled the shooters in the two cases referenced to kill so many and so quickly were both...
  8. DWilliams

    Look out guys in Callifornia....

    Hi Ed - Sorry to be slow on the uptake, but I don't get it. If (a big 'if', perhaps), but if one looks past the slippery-slope argument of if-they-take-any-gun-they-will-take-all-guns, isn't this precisely the action that one might want law enforcement to take? Here's what I am...
  9. DWilliams

    Old time logging video

    Cool video. Thanks, Mike. If you are interested, here's a great novel by David Adams Richards - a Canadian author from NB and one of my current favourites. Some great descriptions of logging and logging camps on the...
  10. DWilliams

    Your Favorite Gear

    Couldn't agree more, Phil. Or "+1" as the cool kids say. Also, how did I ever get along without a good, bright headlamp? Dano
  11. DWilliams

    history lesson (ndr)

    Tod - Way to take the high road. I, on the other hand, did not. I thought that my opinions were being dismissed off-hand and reacted - over-reacted - with an excess of rudeness and an absence of the "civility" that is typical here. I apologize. I also hope that my rudeness - and...
  12. DWilliams

    history lesson (ndr)

    Hi Tod - No shortage of problems north of the border. We thank you for your concern. I thought that I addressed my interest in this topic in a previous post. To wit: "So why is some (overly opinionated) Canadian getting so worked up about US gun violence? Canada is neither isolated or...
  13. DWilliams

    history lesson (ndr)

    Hi Chuck - I agree: you can't fix crazy. But can you make the effect of crazy less lethal? That story out of China is a great example: as I recall I madman attacked a bunch of school kids with a knife. Something like 20 kids were injured; none were killed. As a professional data-geek...
  14. DWilliams

    history lesson (ndr)

    Hmmm... so laws can be changed and this helps to prevent terrible acts... That is a heretical position that you are espousing there, Mr. Reardon. Next thing, you are going to want to repeal - or more accurately, re-interpret - the 2nd Amendment. (Yep, sorry, I'm am being off-the-cuff and...
  15. DWilliams

    history lesson (ndr)

    Ray - Those are some incredible and incredibly sad statistics. Thanks for posting them. I was struck by the acceleration within the last 20 years. I didn't take the time to add it all up, but it seems at a glance that the majority of incidents happened since, say, 1990. What does this...
  16. DWilliams

    history lesson (ndr)

    Hi Ed - I also appreciate your comments and will take strong exception only with your statement that this is not the forum for this discussion. In my opinion, this should be an open air topic for reasoned discussion without the censure of entrenched partisans positions. If not here too, then...
  17. DWilliams

    history lesson (ndr)

    Captain Geminski - A quick mea culpa. After inviting a fulsome debate on this topic, I responded to your post with an off-the-cuff quip. My apologies. Why do you see it as contradictory that 'anti' politicians travel with armed guards? Is it equally so for a 'pro gun' citizen to choose to...
  18. DWilliams

    history lesson (ndr)

    Um, because as the mayor of one of the largest cities in the world, he is a likely candidate for an assassination attempt? I suspect that he "believes in guns" to at least a please-don't-shoot-me-with-one degree...
  19. DWilliams

    The last 48 hours---

    Thanks, Al. Always enjoy your stories and pictures. That's a beautiful part of the world you live in... Nice to meet the man behind the camera, too! All the best of the New Year, Dan
  20. DWilliams

    history lesson (ndr)

    Gents - First, my condolences on the recent tragedy in Sandy Hook. This has been front page news up here in Toronto since it happened and i don't doubt has affected people throughout the world. My 8 year old son was quite upset last night as he related his version of the events to me. I can...