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  1. P

    collapsible bags for decoys

    I keep 4 doz on long lines and leave them on in collapsible bags i use 2mm monofilament droppers and i have no issues with tangles been doing this for years
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    Homer Decoys

    I have a bunch and love them I also ordered the sleeper yesterday on their pre-sale I think they are the closest thing to Herters that I have ever come across
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    bluebill decoys

    Thank you all for your input that's what i have been doing and it works so i wont change a thing. Just touch them up and make em look new again
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    bluebill decoys

    I am redoing and painting some of my old Herters bluebill decoys and wanted to get some info from all. What ratio do you guys/gals put on your long lines of hens to drakes ? I always have much more drakes then hens but usually only target the drakes I give the hens a pass
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    Ky Kraus's collection

    I thought i read someplace it was on jan 30th in ohio i think
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    Bluebills repainted

    They look great keep up the good work
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    Quality foam decoys

    Homer decoys are the best i just picked up a bunch and i love them i will be changing my whole spread this year to homers Tony i think ia the owner is the best at cust service do yourself a favor and check them out they are the closest thing to herters 72 that i have seen
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    Painted homer decoys

    Thank you tony and Steve for the pics they look great and I love the styrofoam decoys I have a ton of herters and have never found a replacement until now I will def be ordering from you soon
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    Painted homer decoys

    Has anyone seen or havea pic of the new finished homer decoys I am really interested in the old squaw decoys ? Thanks
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    Bufflehead Truce...

    i am with you guys i have killed enough of them in my lifetime to waste shells on them plus they are horrible eating !!
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    Need a caption for this photo...

    Only the real thing!!!!!
  12. P

    Blind bag recommendations

    i have a Drake floating blind bag and i love it i have had it for about 4-5 years and it takes a beating good bag
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    A different ending

    wow a gull they can be nasty !! And I didn't count that towards my limit it goes to the seal LOL
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    A different ending

    That's a great story I love how nature works sometimes. I to have had a slightly similar thing happen to me I hunt open water off the LI sound and have had seals come up for a look at downed ducks and grab them for a snack. Oh well I lose a bird but its fun watching!!
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    Anyone with heated vest experience?

    Hi Ed I just deer hunted this past weekend with 3 friends that have the same exact vests that you are looking at (gerbring) and swear by them they love them all weekend they tried to convince me to get one I don't think you will regret it plus if you get xtra batteries you can be warm all day
  16. P

    Supplies for making a long line

    Check out doctari longlines they have complete packages
  17. P

    LI Decoy Collectors Show - Saturday, March 7, Hauppauge

    Thank you Steve will do. A check is being mailed out to you today
  18. P

    LI Decoy Collectors Show - Saturday, March 7, Hauppauge

    Would love to purchase the video I was unable to attend the please let me know how and where thank you