February "What's on your Workbench?"

Here's some more progress, it was a long day of blocking in feather detail. I used the same base color as I did on the head, then dry brushed over it with the body color to break the lines a little. May do a little more dry brushing. Mottled the bill, and darkened the eye channel some. Also added some finer ticking to the head.




I made a pattern tonight for a goose floater than I plan on making out of foam. Some may not accept foam as a medium but it's what I learned on and I enjoy using it.

The head will be detachable, as it will be quite large!




Those are really cool sean - it must be pretty hard to curve the heads like that middle one!
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Derek, that should be a cool bird. Don't forget to add an inch and half or so for the bird below the waterline.
clearing some decoys off the carving bench before I start carving a Canvasback rig, a lesson with Paul Dobrosky has improved my carving


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the work on here just gets better and better!!!!

Here is a bird I was able to sit down and work on there is another it got the same treatment today. Finish tail and rump and then start in with the real whites and they will be done.


finally posting up the pics of the blacks that my girlfriend and i finished under the wing of Pete.
i cant wait to use them, and i am starting to get into the carving thing. i bought some knives, some rasps, and just placed my first cork order. pete has been a great teacher and i guess i listened well enough that he doesn't mind teaching us some more. he has given me a high head, and a sleeper head to work on. the sleeper is red ceader and is much harder to get detail into, but im having fun. the painting is still the hardest part.


here are my new carving tools.

i bought them from deepwoods and the feel great.
