I don't equate the Feral Cat to the Lead issue....they both affect me but in different ways.....as a dedicated duck hunter the lead issue bothers me a great deal and the affect that it has, or might have, on other "game" species becomes more and more bothersome to me as I think about it. (Think about how assinine it is that you and I can shoot Snipe with lead in your favorite duck hunting spot when we would never dream of shooting ducks there with the same lead shells--are lead #8's labled "for Snipe shooting only -not to be eaten by waterfowl"? I don't think so. And you know it happens, because you've seen the guys that shoot ducks in the a.m. with steel and then come back to the exact marsh in the afternoon with lead to shoot Snipe.
The feral cat thing affects me because of its impact on non-game species and because of what the local government spends to track down, round up, and kill, (or place for adoption), animals that exist only becuase the owner is too sorry to control his pet(s). Sadly you can't expect all citizens to act responsibly and the only answer becomes to legislate their behaviour. If requiring that the stupid ass down the street either neuters his cat, or dog, or pen it up, (which he has already proven that he won't do), so that "I" don't have to deal with the unwanted offspring killing the deer in my yard, (or the birds on my feeders), makes me a "Socialist" to the Right Wingers then so be it....I'm a Socialist.....
I'd love to think that the average person would say to himself that neutering a pet is a responsibility that he accepts but the number of discarded puppies that I see floating in the sloughs around here, or cats that end up using my bird feeders as a buffet, indicates that they won't. If they won't assume that responsibility what should we do? Shrug our shoulders and continue to pour money down that hole so that we don't encroach on his "rights"? Apparantely that seems to be the answer to those that think that Local governments should take no action beyond pissing good money after bad for animal control and lawsuits that should have never occured.
There is NO DOUBT IN MY MIND that there are people in California, and elsewhere, that would like to see every bullet, regradless of compostition, outlawed....in this case though, getting the lead out to stop lead poisioning in Raptors, (specifically Condors), I just don't see that.....my response was not knee jerk opposition to Dave. I checked the guys out that are sponsering the bill. The people that support it come from both the Conservation and the Consumption side of the issue and based on that I say that claiming that the "REAL" intent of the action is to "steal our guns" is ludicrous. That opinion was formulated after looking up the "facts" that support that lead poisioning, from RIFLE BULLETS, is a well documented problem, and that documentation is "vetted" by none other than the Califonia Game Commission, as well as other HUNTING groups. So while I agree that there are those that would use wildlife issues to further gun control this becomes one that I don't see the connection and as such I find it impossible to not state, "BULLSHIT", when it is so obvious, at least to me, that the attempt to legislate "non-lead" is completely divorced from those that want to take away my "right to bear arms"........
I'll state it again.....if that makes me a "Socialist" then I accept that appealation gladly.....