Steve Sutton
Well-known member
Sportsmans money that is responsible for the health of the outdoors we so deeply appreciate but then state that you never contributed a thing beyond the cost of a subscription, (little of which does anything but pays salaries and mails you your monthly magazine). It would seem that if you are so intent in its health that you'd do more than just buy the monthly magazine.
You're right of course that the pollution that is caused by INDUSTRY far exceeds that caused by our "little lead sinkers".....but let me ask you this....can YOU PERSONALLY do anything about the pollution from the factory, or power plant? NOPE, you can't, and likely you'd vote against any changes that would fix that problem that would also increase your out of pocket costs.....but how about the damage that "little lead wt" causes? Can you do something about that? YES, you can......
And thats my point....we should do what we can, when we can, and not continue to add to the pile just because we think our personal contribution is might have missed that message in my posts so I thought I'd state it again, no matter how "wound up", or "offended by someone elses opinion" it might make me appear.....
As to the Condors...YEP, I do hold them dear to my heart, just as I do Eagles and Hawks, and Wolves and Hell, ask John, Butterflies.....I like them for what they are individually and I like them for what they mean to the health of the ecosystem. Why? Because I'm one of those whacko bunny hugger, tree lover, hunters that doesn't take offense to being called an "environmentalist". And also because I believe that an inability for any species to exist is an indication that we have so negatively impacted that environment that all of the species that inhabit it, not just the most visiable ones, are in jeopardy as well......And in the end, to me, if we can save a single indicator species, while benefitted every other species as well, by the simple expediant of replacing the lead in rifle bullets then you can bet I'm going to be all over that like ugly on a carp....all the while scratching my head as to why "everyone" doesn't feel the same way.....
You're right of course that the pollution that is caused by INDUSTRY far exceeds that caused by our "little lead sinkers".....but let me ask you this....can YOU PERSONALLY do anything about the pollution from the factory, or power plant? NOPE, you can't, and likely you'd vote against any changes that would fix that problem that would also increase your out of pocket costs.....but how about the damage that "little lead wt" causes? Can you do something about that? YES, you can......
And thats my point....we should do what we can, when we can, and not continue to add to the pile just because we think our personal contribution is might have missed that message in my posts so I thought I'd state it again, no matter how "wound up", or "offended by someone elses opinion" it might make me appear.....
As to the Condors...YEP, I do hold them dear to my heart, just as I do Eagles and Hawks, and Wolves and Hell, ask John, Butterflies.....I like them for what they are individually and I like them for what they mean to the health of the ecosystem. Why? Because I'm one of those whacko bunny hugger, tree lover, hunters that doesn't take offense to being called an "environmentalist". And also because I believe that an inability for any species to exist is an indication that we have so negatively impacted that environment that all of the species that inhabit it, not just the most visiable ones, are in jeopardy as well......And in the end, to me, if we can save a single indicator species, while benefitted every other species as well, by the simple expediant of replacing the lead in rifle bullets then you can bet I'm going to be all over that like ugly on a carp....all the while scratching my head as to why "everyone" doesn't feel the same way.....