Leave it to Kalifornia!


All Josh said was how he felt about the proposed bullet and pet laws. To assume that he would also do the things you mentioned is ridiculous. When someone has a different opiniom on things than you do, you tend to take offense instead of just accepting their opinion for what it is, an opiniom. It would be a pretty dull world if everyone thought alike.

that you drive on whichever side of the road you want to? At any speed? In any impairded state that you deem "reasonable"? Hunt anytime of the year, with any weapon, kill anything, in any quantities that you want to, anywhere you want to? Marry the sister? Shoot the neighbors windows out when they get too loud?

Or do you just draw the line at the Goverment telling you what to do on projectiles from your gun and the status of sexual organs of Dogs and Cats?


I think all I mentioned in my post was BULLETS AND PETS!!! You need to lighten up man. There are laws in this country for a reason. (Speed limits, hunting seasons, etc etc etc) BUT imposing so called laws that begin to infinge on personal freedoms (and there are a lot of those out there right now) is wrong. I'm NOT saying I would break them or do break them I'm simply saying that the free America we all love so dearly is slowly but surely heading in the wrong direction.

If we want to take your statements to the extreme as you did mine.......well never mind. You are entitled to you opinion as am I. DON'T read into my statements NOR misquote me.
I never said you were a Tutu wearing left wing liberal panty waist nor did I call you a socialist. I think I specifically stated it was not even implied. I was just pointing out their (socialists) tactics.

President Jimmy Carter, the first President to capitulate to the radical Muslims since before the Barbary wars; is a socialist. Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein, senators from the beautiful state noted in this thread are socialists. I don’t think for a minute you are a socialist.

As far as winning goes, I don’t see your point. I don’t think we are that far apart on the subjects here. We both agree, no one will have are dog’s nuts. We both agree on lead. I just don’t trust the motives of ANY of our elected officials anymore. I think they are, for the most part, sellouts of our sovereignty, and some are in office simply to pander for money and power.

It’s fun to watch you get spun up about stuff. It’s your passion. Its fun to watch you devour the adversarial opinions, make mince meat of their arguments. Biologists and ornithologist must cringe at the thought of debate with the gooze, let alone the lesser cannon fodder….all of which is not stated tongue-in-cheek.

I must say though; I do wish I had the Canon with the 100-400L saddled the day I watched from the airboat, you with the butterfly net extended fore. A tutu and PhotoShop come to mind :-)
Where is a moderator when you need one?!?! Steve has obviously crossed the line if Parks is speaking the praises of diversity in opinion.

I have no problems banning something if there is SOUND scientific evedence that it should be. What really fries my shorts is most things anymore are done by public oppinion because of the politics involved and the shithead official wants to keep his power.
else's opinion differs from mine.....I do question "different" opinions and in this case Josh's "Don't Tread On Me" and the fact that he's from the NE, (where I believe NH still has that as their slogan and from what I've seen while there it is their general attitude), made me want to see if he felt the same way about "other" laws as he did about bullet and pet laws.....if my method of asking was offensive to Josh then I apologize, to him.

I don't apologize for presenting a different opinion to things that people post that are different than mine.. As you said the World would be a boring place if everyone had the same opinion and an even more boring one if those people with differing opinions didn't express them out of fear of upsetting one another.

John, the "winning" comment was meant as a joke....guess I'm going to have to get me some smiley faces....

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Since your post was directly related to the gov't telling you what you can and can't shoot out of your shotgun, let me ask you this. Do you have a problem with the gov't telling you that you can't shoot 00 Buck Shot at ducks?
else's opinion differs from mine.....I do question "different" opinions and in this case Josh's "Don't Tread On Me" and the fact that he's from the NE, (where I believe NH still has that as their slogan and from what I've seen while their as their general attitude), made me want to see if he felt the same way about "other" laws as he did about bullet and pet laws.....if my method of asking was offensive to Josh then I apologize, to him.

I don't apologize for presenting a different opinion to things that people post that are different than mine.. As you said the World would be a boring place if everyone had the same opinion and an even more boring one if those people with differing opinions didn't express them out of fear of upsetting one another.

John, the "winning" comment was meant as a joke....guess I'm going to have to get me some smiley faces....


NE???? Indiana??? I don't think so. Dang, you need to brush up on your geography.

No offense was taken Steve, I respect your opinions although I belive some could be potentially detrimental to the sporting world as we know it today. That is just my opinion, don't take it personally. I'd love to sit down over a coldbeer someday and 'argue'. Just so long as you're buying....LOL

My point behind the perhaps harsh "Don't tread on me" comment is the fact that our govenments of today are overstepping their bounds in way too many areas. Thats all. The banning of lead and the requirement to spay/neuter pets is one of them IMO. I'm certainly not saying that spaying or neutering isn't a good idea, in many cases it is. BUT (thats a big BUT) it should NOT be the government decision that is NOT what government is for.

I NEVER said, NOR implyed that I would, will or do break ANY law that is passed down. Like I said, don't misquote or read into my statements
I bet birds wouldn't pick OO buck up off the bottom..and the cripple issue would be moot...cept the yahoo's who set up 50 yards away at shooting time. Imagine the skybusting if you could use OO or Dead coyote...waterfront property could get cheap then too.
and I was so proud of myself back in the old Social Studies days when I could fill in all the blank States on a map......that'll teach not to look at a profile before I "assume" that since "DON'T TREAD ON ME" was in the post that you were form the N.E......

In reality you and I agree on the Gov't not being the entity that should be legislating our pets. the problem is when people won't take responsibility for themselves, and their pets, then the only option other than maintaining status quo is to legislate.....I know from personal experience what happens when people are allowed to decide for themselves what is best for their pets and their sexual organs. I live on the side of a mountain that backs up to a green belt. Most of the houses on the road system have cleared just the pad their homes sit on. Since we don't have street lights and since most houses are set back from the road a bit its a convienant place to "dump" unwanted pets. Last year at the association meeting we compiled numbers of "animals removed", (most live trapped by residents and since I wouldn't admit it outside this page did not include the ones that died from "lead poisioning"). the total came to (35) Cats and (12) dogs, plus a Peacock and (2) Guinea's.....and thats from a total of less than 30 homes.....

Add to that total a couple of dozen unwanted puppies chucked into the slough at the bottom of the hill and that makes it pretty apparant to me that people just aren't willing to assume the responsibility they should for their pets and if that burden isn't going to be shouldered by the Gov't and the people in whose yards the unwanted pets are being dumped in then the Gov't has to get involved.....

So we agree that the Gov't "shouldn't" legislate Pets but I'd bet we would also agree that our tax monies shouldn't be spent to resolve problems that occur when people don't "do the right thing" on their own.....

I'm up for a beer anytime....I'm buying.....we'll likely need a designated driver as it could go on for awhile..

I know where you are coming from. IMO just because there are irresponsible jack arses that don't CHOOSE to snip fido nor keep him away from tootsie during that special time it's NOT the governments so called responsibilty to impose unjust regulation on the population as a whole to FIX the problem. (Pun not intended) I think we're standing on the same side of the coin, just opposite edges......at least on this issue.

Big 10-4 on the DD......
New Hampshires motto is "Live free or die"....

One of my favorite quotes, I never remember who first said it. Perhaps it was Col. Cooper

"Those who will sacrifice freedoms for security, deserve neither security nor freedom"
I remember the first time I was there....little bar for dinner....the place looked like it was on fire from all the smoke inside.....I asked the Host how NH had avoided all of the "no smoking" issues......he just smiled and said "cause its NH".....

"Those who will sacrifice freedoms for security, deserve neither security nor freedom"

This was by Benjamin Franklin or Patrick Henry
"Those willing to give up a little liberty for a little security deserve neither security nor liberty"

Ben Franklin
Well i guess steve holds this condor dear to his heart. personally i think it would make an ugly decoy. Heres something i value, to hell with the lead what about all the acid rain coming from the emissions of the factories in the midwest polluting my fishing waters in vermont as men we're not supposed to eat more then like 2 meals of native fish in a month, women less then one a month. whats more of a contaminant those little lead sinkers or the untold number of gallons of poison rain that falls on my trout, bass, walleye and northerns every year. needless to say our passions tend to be localized but this condor lead thing seems more then absurd. and my dad may have a subscription to those magazines but i dont and we have never donated more then the cost for that subscription to the nra. and i bet steve thinks the mayors against illegal guns coalition (MAIG) it a great idea also.

you can believe everything, some things or nothing an organization tells you whether it be the California state government or the National Rifle Association, but one things for certain its our dollars as sportsmen that protect the species we hunt and the ones we dont and anything that turns us away from spending our money on our sports is the diservice to those animals and our heritage.


The pollutant that is contaminating your fish and causing the health advisory is Mercury, not acid rain. The producer is coal burning power plants primarily, not factories.

Want less Mercury in your fish??? My understanding is that the technology exists to dramatically reduce Mercury emissions from coal burning power plants, all it would take action from your legislators and the result would be higher energy bills.

As for Steve holding the condor dear to his heart, many of us feel that we owe it to the environment to protect the diversity of our native species, which the California Condor represents.


