Lee Harker's Passing

I'm so sorry to hear the loss of a highly liked member of this site good by Lee ,my prayers are with you as well the same for your family .Cas
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So please forgive me if I do it wrong. I pen this with a tear in my eye for a big GALOOT a heck of a guy. That having been said.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the cyber marsh, no matter what your faith,

Shall we bow our heads,


We send to you our friend and companion Lee, receive him unto your kingdom with our praises ringing in his ears. Let him be at peace with the knowledge that life everlasting awaits as a legacy stays planted firmly in his stead.

Let us live by his example, and find joy in long hard walks to the marsh, for it is time well spent in reflection of your words.
Let us live by his example, and teach with no expectations of reward, other than the joy of seeing others succeed.
Let us live by his example, and see your blessing in every cold North wind, every missed easy shot, and every bird in our hand.
Let us live by his example, and know what is truly important, The quiet dawn shared with a child, the laughter as they chase fireflies on a summers eve, their giggle as the bobber dips.

May your peace fill his soul with the joy of a million crimson sunrises, eternally heralded by the unending clarion of whistling wings. Paint his memory into us all. Let every buck passing in the mist, and every wind whispering through the cedars charge us to remember him and cherish the time we shared.

Comfort his family, bless them Lord, with the knowledge that the man they loved shall never truly be gone. He lives on the wind now passing by with the seasons. Unending as his love for them, his voice shall always ring, his hearty laugh forever heard. We are all the better for knowing him.

May he rest forever eternally at your side in peace.

We ask this in Jesus name,


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Dang.... this is a serious bummer.
Prayers go out to Lee's family.
Godspeed Lee.

Brian F.
The first few times I visited this site I was a bit overwhelmed by the knowledge and experience of its users. When Lee asked a question about wireless internet it was my first opportunity to be useful. He was the first person that I ever responded to on here, and I echo the sentiments that over the years there has never been a better person who typed anything on this site. It's been tough enough these last few months not seeing his posts... its even harder to imagine that this was his last post... a great guy till the bitter end... a tough guy who never let on what he must have been dealing with... Best wishes in Heaven Lee!!
I too am at a loss for words. I never met Lee in person, but some folk you don't have to meet to know their heart. There are many-many that will miss Lee, including myself and others who never had the chance to meet him in person. My prayers go out to all of Lee's family.

DAMN I didn't see this one first....but

Lee you'll be sorely missed.

It surprised the hell out of me to get a package one day from Kalamazoo late in September. I open it up and it's a blue eyed teal!!!! I turn her over and it's from Lee Harker. I couldn't believe it....never met the man before, though we'd traded emails and notes and he sends me a decoy for my birthday....what a great guy....

then later I get an email: Do you have family in Kalamazoo? Cuz if you do, I got a surprise visit from some family of yours. Some folk walk in and walk up to me and ask, do you carve decoys? Yes Lee replies. Did you send a blue-eyed teal to my neice in FL? ....

what a small world...to get a visit from my family that lives there to thank him for my gift....

Like I said earlier....I'lll have a drink for you Lee.... or two or three...



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Well said bballard.

I never got to meet Lee in person, but always enjoyed reading his post. No matter what he was alway helpful, either with advice or with a joke.

Prayers sent to his family
Finally got to meet the man behind the legend this past year at the MLB convention. What a treat! Seemed like we had an instant bond, since he and I were the only ones that MLB Bob Furia's dog growled at. Even though I only got to be around him for a week, it will always stand out in my memory. Hope he didn't suffer too much, and thoughts and prayers to his family. Darcy
ive only been a member for a couple months, but in that little time, all the advice and help he gave me was awesome. i can only imagine how my people he has helped over the years. very sad news.
Damn, I never got to meet him but I always enjoyed his wit and wisdom on this site. He was one of those that made this forum so much more than just a website. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

My heart sank when I read this. I'm at a lose for words. Lee was a hell of a guy and a good friend. When my wife Mary was very sick years ago now, Lee was one of the regulars on the site that was so supportive and continued to give me the kind words each day to get through it and have a positive outlook. We have lost a great member of this family. I remember Lee at Westlake hanging around the lobby drinking a couple beers and swapping stories with all the would listen. I'm so glad that Lee was able to hunt with Blake and share those special moments with each other. Blake keep those special memories.

God Speed Lee we will miss you. HHG
The first time I met Lee was at Long Point. He was cooking duck and shooting the bull. We were the new guys in the group. Lee made us feel right at home, his duck was great! I considered him a friend from then on. The last time I saw him, he was drinking a beer and gazing at the stars over the big lake they call Gitche Gumee. I wonder if he knew something then? The next time I'll see him is when I look at his handmade decoys on our fireplace mantle. I am thankful for the privilege of Lee being a friend. You will not find a better man. May the wind be always at your back my friend. Joe and Clint... Carlyle Boys. View attachment harkers cans.jpg

View attachment harkers cans.jpg
Why do such things always seem to happen to good people? It’s the same thing I asked myself when my mother passed away. I sat in disbelief and really couldn’t believe my eyes. I never met Lee in person but we traded numerous emails, phone calls and a somewhat blocky golden eye decoy.hehehehehe I was hoping he would be strong enough to make the trip to Westlake this year to buy him a beer, but it is not to be. I was lucky enough to guide a few of his friends in Stuttgart, AR and as highly as they spoke of Lee I was glad to have been included in the circle of friends that knew him. Blake, if you happen to make it through all these tributes know there is a country full of guys that thought the world of your Grandpa and none of us would ever dream of taking his place but, there are plenty here who would be happy to share the blind / boat any time you want. Lee was a heck of a guy! God speed and know our thoughts are with the Harker’s
My first thought:

No No No.... Damn it. Lee was such a great guy he always offered advice and incouragement to those of us building boats.

My second thought.

No No No... Damn it! Who is going to take Blake hunting.

I never meet him in person but he was without a doubt a great person.

photos of Lee's decoys that he has in his rig.....

Jerry's note included:

"these will hold a special place in my heart as they float on the lakes and rivers in Indiana and where ever my boat stops".




Like Jerry my pair of Harker decoys will now have an even more special meaning to me when they it the water each Fall....
