TDB Classic remolding time

DeWayne, how about you get sponsor or supportor added to your profile? 'bout time.

OK Tod, I'll bite; why do you think I need to become a sponsor here? I honestly can't recall promoting any business I am involved with on this site.

Clear enough for me:

From Support (;)"

" is FREE and lives only through the VOLUNTARY SUPPORT of those that enjoy it and contribute. Show your support by purchasing items offered or by direct donation. Donations help keep this great resource available to everyone and are always welcome."

If you think Tony is showing us all this out of the goodness of his heart you've been out in the cold too long Tod.It's spamming pure and simple.Look at his past posts. If it doesnt have to deal with Herters decoys and layouts both of which he sells.His post count would be 25 LOL.Tony has called out others on the Fuge for selling products without being a sponsor.Whats right is right.
Not my site but just my .02

Bob, I can't deny that ultimately one can see this is spam. I own the company and will be selling the boats so yes. Essentially many will consider it spamming the product. The Duck Boat TDB has been around for decades quite frankly longer than many products on the market today and is Major component in waterfowling history and where we are today. Without the TDB there wouldnt be many of the boats guys hunt from today. has a great following of guys who have been around all these years and seen the company start, change hands a few times go through the bad and recover and then finally just fall off the face of the earth. We are bringing the company and boats back. And regardless of what a few think, the goal here is not to spam the boats. trust me we have a waiting list 2 pages long from phone calls we receive daily about the boats and availability and by posting the process and updates both here and our own website we can help to get the word out so people know where we are going and whats happening. Simple as that. I am trying to bring info and the process to those of this site so they too can see how a boat is built not just a TDB boat as the process is the same basically for any boat build and some will gain great knowledge from the posts and pictures. If at anytime the powers here feel its out of line all they have to do is say stop or delete the threads. Trust me when I say they are watching i am sure.

Now if everyone could please enjoy the thread and if there is any personal issues with me or TDB etc. feel free to give me a call at 937-418-7207 and lets leave the thread for what its for. Readers enjoyment.

Thank you.

No problem Tony.....I wish you all the best.
Sorry guys we took the weekend off and enjoyed some family time and today the youngest had a HS bowling match during a no school day. Tomorrow we meet with the company who will hopefully be sewing the blinds for the boats. We will take no short cuts. Only 1000d military grade cordura will be used for the blinds and webbing.

Back on the boat Wednesday with updates I hope. I am just as anxious to pop this baby from the mold as everyone. I want to see how the Gelcoat color turned out and get your guys thoughts as well on the color. Also note we can make the boats in a simple single color gelcoat as well. And will be offering original camo and Grey Camo as well for the open water guys.
Back at it again guys. Here you will see the hull and deck progress. First the hull.

What your seeing is the hull with the Triaxial cloth laid on the hull and then the hard angles filled with a mixture of resin and 1/32 milled fibers to allow the thick glass to lay properly for the final layer on the sides and hull. One more layer and the hull will be complete!


Filling the hard angles


Now the deck, The deck is finished. It has 2 layers of triaxial and matt with a skin coat of matt to start the build. We took and overlapped the whole lip of the cockpit 3-4" with every piece being aprox 10" long. THis will create plenty of strength on the cockpit rim. Now I am sure your asking what are those 2 things glassed onto the bow and transom of the boat? Those are lifting hooks so that we can pop the deck from the mold without damaging the exterior with wedges and such.

Notice the overlap down the center of the mold and all the way around the cockpit rim. This means these area's are twice as strong and where the extra loads will be on the boat.


Overlapping the cockpit rim for extra strength

And the genious lifting hooks. LOL. These will be cut out and the glass ground down once we are done lifting the hull out.


Next we will dry fit the deck and hull followed by working on the Floor liner and reworking that mold. The interior of the hull and deck will have the interiors gelcoated as well. Stay tuned.
And we have a deck. with a lot of cursing and sweat we popped the deck from the mold this morning. Other than we got the camo colors backwards all is good. LOL More details and photos tonight! Tomorrow we will have a hull and then the construction phase starts.

Guess since the colors are backwards I get to keep Hull number 1. LOL
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Tony this is great stuff! Are you willing to offer parts also to current tdb owner? Such as the grass rails or locks for the covers, etc...? I'd rather have spam from you than spam from England...
Both the hull and deck have been removed from the molds. Sorry no pictures tonight. Getting ready for the snow storm tomorrow they are forecasting and with the temps hanging in the teens and low digits I had to take a break. Costing way to much to heat the shop right now. LOL

Back in action in a day or 2. pictures to follow soon.

Next is the floor liner build and modification. We plan to embed The Duck Boat into the floor so everyone will know what kind of boat they are in. and have to design the stringers to support the floor down the sides of the keel and to provide a watertight seal for the flotation foam later.

Gaining ground but still a long way to go on Hull #1 gets its date with the USCG for certification.
There pridicting one to three inches for you guys. I don't even clear the drive for that much LOL. I guess when your from northern Ohio snow is no big deal. My shop was sitting on 70 today. Think insulation. Had to take the flannel shirt off. Fuel oil is costly but goes with the cost of doing business.

There pridicting one to three inches for you guys. I don't even clear the drive for that much LOL. I guess when your from northern Ohio snow is no big deal. My shop was sitting on 70 today. Think insulation. Had to take the flannel shirt off. Fuel oil is costly but goes with the cost of doing business.


I hope thats all we get, last I heard here was 4+ and I live in the country and when we get 4" of snow I get 2ft+ drifts in my yard and driveway and up against the shop. No worries we got the plow hooked and are ready. LOL
Well been a couple days again gang. And mother nature was nice to us, maybe 2" of snow is all we got.

Both the hull and deck are removed from the molds and we trimmed them and done a little test fitting and quaility checks on the finished parts.

Below you will see the deck. Note I reversed the black and tan gelcoat accidentally. LOL

And then you will see the actual test fit of the hull and deck joint. We used 2 ratchet straps to hold it in place as we are no where near ready to start any attaching.

Now the funs over for a little bit as we rework the floor liner and build the bulkhead molds. Remember NO wood will be used all composites and core materials. We will document the process the best we can for everyone.

1 final photo in which I need your opinions. samples of the 100d cordura material we are trying to decide on the color for the blinds. Please look at the colors and if you would like let me know which one you like best. I am leaning towards khaki or flannel.

I like the coyote. It will blend better in my neck of the woods. Most brush and vegatation it brownish rather than green or gray during the hunting season
I like the coyote. It will blend better in my neck of the woods. Most brush and vegatation it brownish rather than green or gray during the hunting season

Keep them coming have a few more samples I am waiting on to arrive. will post more when they arrive. We will elimiate them 1 by one until we have a winner. LOL

Also gas tanks in the 14ft classic, We may be setting the boat up for the tank to be in the bow. Thoughts? We can run the lines along the side through a tube that makes it simple. Just seems that it will be much better in the bow and out of the way. And this will allow for up to a 9gallon tank to be used.

With the sealed floor liner in the classic and the foam chambers on each side its gonna be tight for a gas tank and battery for lights etc. So by putting the fuel tank in the bow that leaves the only thing in the stern to be the battery. This also takes about 40lbs off the stern in weight(6 gallon tank full of gas).

There is plenty of open space under the bow for the tank and life jackets etc.
I like the khaki and coyote.If you can get a color in between that might work too.The boat looks nice.Nice to see your hard work paying off.Can't wait to see the video in the coming months.
I'll second that. The coyote is a little dark. I kinda like the color of the layout blinds - brown (marsh brown)
I'll second that. The coyote is a little dark. I kinda like the color of the layout blinds - brown (marsh brown)

The Cave is pretty close to the layout blind color.
Problem were going to have is the webbing color mostlikely wont be the same color. Dang it.

You might want to run some mock-ups with the weight = to a 9 gal tank and a second hunter in the front. You could create porpoising issues with that much weight forward. Remember reading a warning somewhere (too long ago to recall) along with a story about guys with too much weight forward in the 14 classic burying the nose in a chop. Who knows? It might have been in the constant barrage of propaganda that Jim Cripe was putting out about his former employer when he was designing his boat. Nevertheless, something to consider. I have had to run on the Ohio in some pretty snotty wind conditions, when the chop was rocking, and I can see where a lot of weight forward would not be desireable.

My other impression is that the "dog shelf/compartment " above that little bow storage well is something I want open, as my dog is on it while I hunt. If hunting with a partner, if that area is eliminated, there is absolutely no room for a dog to remain in the boat while you're hunting. That's an issue for the retriever guys.

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