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  1. G

    NE Zone Duck dates 2018 & changes

    Kevin, I wish I knew how they really come up with the dates, they seem to be geared up for revenue rather than hunters in my opinion. why wouldnt they add the week to the end of the season rather than the split, makes no sense to me. we are only talking a week later than normal. all the fair...
  2. G

    any Ken Harris experts

    Generally Ken Harris had a stamp on the bottom, I'm not saying its not but several things I see don't look like a Harris but I have been wrong before. is it a balsa body ? either way its a cool bird.
  3. G

    Clayton Decoy Show

    WE had a great turn out yesterday, The singles contest had the best group od decoys we have ever had. Best of show was Dick Hollis with a drake hoody, Robin Oliver took 2nd and 3rd with a canvas wood duck and a canvas Canada goose. Thanks for all the support. rigs and pairs today in the pond...
  4. G

    Clayton Decoy Show

    Its almost here, the 48th annual Clayton decoy show. July 15th & 16th, its going to be another great show. We Have the vendor gathering at the museum Thursday evening at 7:00 pm. The show runs 9 - 6 Friday , 9 -4 Saturday. We have the traditional shore dinner at Coyote Moon Vineyards Friday at...
  5. G

    A5 Belguims

    I shoot a 1956 I believe, Belgium A5, Had to replace the barrel, the rib split. I have a 28 " modified. I run at least a case of shells through it each year with no problems, I love the black cloud 2 3/4 inch 3's, they pattern great through it.
  6. G

    Ontario Decoys - Henderson, NY

    Ron had a table at the decoy show 2 years ago, not sure about Reed
  7. G

    NY NE Zone season 2015-2916

    Kevin, we give our input every year and Im not sure why because nothing ever changes. I have never heard anyone say they would like more days in the early season but that seems to be what happens. I have been told that we cant get two splits but other east coast states seem to get them. with...
  8. G

    Smoked Venison ?

    I always had good luck at 160 for 3 1/2 hours
  9. G

    Poll for the northerners: How has this season stacked up?

    I have hunted every day for the last 8 seasons, by the worst I have ever seen. would love to see a second split here so we can have a few days after Christmas. every year its the same thing, the biggest push on mallards always comes after the season closes. but for some reason we cant get the...
  10. G

    Banded Birds

    4 0r 5 years ago I shot a double banded brant but it only had red and blue plastic bands. with a little investigation and some help from some one on a different forum it ended up by being a very lost brant. It was 2 years old and the bands were spotted a year prior as far south as you can get in...
  11. G

    Ontario Decoys - Henderson, NY

    Ontario Decoys was owned by Ron Ditch and Paul Reed, they made decoys in the 70's and 80's. one did the painting the other ran the 12 spindle duplicator.
  12. G

    where's the ducks !

    a friend of mine has a lease on wolf , whacking the hell out of the bills and redheads, and I have seen the barge with the dump truck on it in bayfield, they control the migration up here.
  13. G

    where's the ducks !

    I am sure most of us are in the same boat as far as lack of birds, I'm hunting the St.Lawrence river in NY and have never seen so few or no birds. Hunting near lake Ontario I see maybe 50 ducks and down river near Alex Bay most days I see 20 or less ducks, saw 6 today. They have to be some...
  14. G

    Re: NY NE Zone season 2015-16 Input

    Kevin, option 1 seems to work better as far as I am concerned, the last week of october we see a push of new birds , every year is different but that week tends to be more productive than the second week. If I had it my way close all of october and give it to us late dec and jan.
  15. G

    It is depressing !!!!!

    our season on the st.lawrence ended on the 14th, as usual the birds show up after the season closes no matter how cold it is. At Cape Vincent you can see more gadwalls and mallards than I have ever seen and the geese are just not migrating . open water no snow, they arent going anyplace for a...
  16. G

    Season closed

    why would shifting the boudary to the St.lawrence and lake ontario area shift the problem, sounds like it would fix it to me.
  17. G

    Season closed

    Kevin, as you know cold dictates late season mallards and we are still wide open on the St.lawrence. within a week or so we will be covered up in birds. There are thousands of birds near Cape Vincent but thats due to Bayfield Bay on Wolfe Island freezing out. The problem with that is The...
  18. G

    Decoy Duplicator in Midwest?

    Brian, you should just get the wood make a road trip back to the bay and a few beers later we will have all the bodies you need.
  19. G

    Looks like i'll be migrating North

    Tom, I'm 20 minutes from Drum, Any time you need to get out let me know. My son was stationed at Drum, triple deuce. We lost him in Iraq in 08 and have met some of the best people in the world from Drum. Lots of hunting and fishing in the area, you wont be bored.315-286-1835
  20. G

    Brant season

    They just keep sticking it to us in the NE zone, screwed us on our late season again, took a week off the beginning of it and added it to the early season for the puddle jumpers. Guess they got more money and pull than the die hard late season guys.