Whats on the workbench in April.

Loving all the work this month. I need to get your guy some pictures Ill see whats on the camera, but I still have those unfinished black ducks to work on. Problem being its so nice and cool I keep carving bodies and heads.
Sure is alot of nice work Brandon.

I've been working on this years batch of turkey calls. Sassafras and Osage Orange. Nice and raspy with a similar remarque as on the decoys.

Here's what they look like.

Those calls sure are nice looking. That turkey project is really impressive.
I got distacted and went fishing with my Daughter. She is turning out to be quite the yooper girl.

I am not a fan of "power carving" just a personal preference I hate the dust. But since my son wanted to help me with the decoys i am working on I let him do some hollowing with the dremel. I don't own a real power carver so it had to do.


My Chessie helped me carve a teal head recently as well. Thought the group would get a kick out of it.

Finally about half of the decoys in the pipe currently. Should have better pictures at the end of the week of my current work.


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I took everyone to breakfast after church, so they let me alone to paint from noon on after we got home.

Decided to start on the little woodrow (spatter painted side pocket):

Now I get to sit & watch the Masters.
MLBob that paint job is awesome man. Love it.
Ill come clean. It was a head that I had thrown over on the wood pile to be burned. It had a small check in the back of the head that I had not seen when I carved it. It probably would have been fine to use but I figure with all the time you put into a decoy compared to the relative little time it takes to rough out a new head I would rather not chance it. The dog picked it up out of the wood and chewed it. Although that still concerns me .. what if one I do want falls off the bench onto he floor some day!
Brandon, That's too funny.

Years ago a bunch of used to get together and carve regularly. Well one night we were carving in my barn. A fellow who carved some, but not alot brought over a bucket full of heads. This was about a years carving for him.

As the night wore on we started telling more stories and less carving. Unknown to any of us my lab( young at the time) was helping herself to the bucket of heads.

No one was the wiser until the next day. When I went into the yard there were peices of 6 or 7 heads all chewed to varying degrees!
I feel bad for that guy but its still funny. Glad to hear your lab did it as well now no one can use it to pick on my poor misunderstood bay dog.

Would have loved to sat in on some of those old gatherings you guys had. Bet it was a good time.
I can't decide who has the best "woody", you or MLBob Furia's The're both outstanding. The time to do that must be unreal.
wis boz

You have officially arrived! There are very few folks that can make Wood Duck that well. Very nice! Colors, form, and paint...you nailed it.
I can't decide who has the best "woody", you or MLBob Furia's The're both outstanding. The time to do that must be unreal.
wis boz

Mike, the ultimate compliment in my mind!! Nice Job!!
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Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments.

Bill i agree completely. Bob is light years ahead of me, not to mention how technical his paint jobs are.