Search results

  1. Joe Novak

    VDD owners?

    Hard to say as to what the specific commands were, but the dog was likely taught to heel, whoah, fetch, track and search... They don?t teach handling commands like labs, they let the dogs rely on their nose. Dog was likely taught some version of whoa, meaning ?stop/don?t move.? That?s pretty...
  2. Joe Novak

    VDD owners?

    What are you looking to know? I have a GWP and have had 12 as fosters through the GWP rescue. Great hunting dogs, very driven, very trainable but Different than a lab in some key ways.
  3. Joe Novak

    What's on your Work Bench ? MARCH 2018

    Nothing so elegant as what you're making Steve, and not even Duck related. But, the wife wanted some chickens, so we bought some baby chicks. Right now they're in a brooder box but they will be needing a coop. After looking at the cost, and relatively flimsy construction of pre-fabbed kits, I...
  4. Joe Novak

    Friday humor

    So that was the chick sitting behind my wife and I at ORD... Just kidding...We don't have a lab.
  5. Joe Novak

    NDR- Winter Olympics

    USADA is no joke...Some of its ridiculous too, especially for something like Curling, and since the cheaters always seem to find a way to cheat. I love the Olympics in general though.
  6. Joe Novak

    my duck

    It is annoying, but frankly its a venial sin in my opinion. Now, what's a lot more entertaining, is if you're hunting with more than 2-3 people, one comes in low and fast and gets smoked maybe a little closer than what's ideal for meat preservation, and someone asks, "Who was THAT?" and no...
  7. Joe Novak

    SBE 3 Review

    Given that it comes standard with a shim kit, one would think this is an easy fix? One other thought, a dealer of fine shotguns once told me that many times they are built to shoot a bit high as apparently enough shooters prefer to have the bead under the bird when they pull the trigger.
  8. Joe Novak

    flies it dies,brown its down

    I think we mostly start like that...In fact, I seem to remember them teaching it in Hunters Safety when I was a kid. You go from wanting to simply pull the trigger a lot, be it at ducks or coots or doves or squirrels, to getting bloody and wanting that limit of ducks or punched out deer tag, to...
  9. Joe Novak

    150 E-Tech Gen II

    The dealer is telling you that since its in his best interest. Think logically about it for a minute, would Yamaha's have captured the enormous market share they have if they were dogs? That said, I have a friend that has a big Ranger with a Evinrude, he loves it. I don't know how loud and...
  10. Joe Novak

    Hybrid NL...Good Boat for a first timer?

    Thanks Everyone...Appreciate the input. It looks like it may be best to go with a Mallard/Bluebill/Broadbill
  11. Joe Novak

    Open water hunting

    I get where you're coming from. And yeah, in an overboard situation the ladder isn't going to be your saving grace though it might help. I can see that being wonderful for getting in and out in 3 feet of water though, make your life a lot easier.
  12. Joe Novak

    Open water hunting

    My concern would be, having tried to use short boarding ladders in deep water, is that it would be really, really difficult wearing waders and/or bulky hunting clothes...Its difficult enough in a swimsuit if you aren't skinny. You have to pull your foot up to chest level and grab the ladder at...
  13. Joe Novak

    Worthwhile Adventure Story or Irresponsible Journalism?

    It’s hard to say since we don’t know all we know is that they had it with them. He didn’t say they knock back shots in between flocks. For all we know they were camping or planning on a drink at the end of the hunt. Drinking whiskey to stave off hypothermia is probably a bad idea but for all...
  14. Joe Novak

    Hybrid NL...Good Boat for a first timer?

    That's the other part of my thought process...I like the idea of having a smaller boat for skinnier, shallow water. It would open options for me, allow me to pick hunting spots a bit more generously, etc... The bigger boat would again do that...Allow me to hunt water that's a bit more snotty...
  15. Joe Novak

    Hybrid NL...Good Boat for a first timer?

    The youtube videos have it look stable enough... He puts a 15 HP on the one. I think that if I put a motor on it I would do a weedeater mud conversion or at the most 5HP or under. I'm not...
  16. Joe Novak

    Hybrid NL...Good Boat for a first timer?

    Hey everyone, I’m new to this forum, and after getting back into duck hunting beyond one annual trip, I’ve been looking into boats...and, after seeing some of the plans and builds, might have caught the bug. While I think my end goal would be something like a Devlin Snow Goose, I want to make...
  17. Joe Novak

    German Wirehair Cold Toleration

    I think it depends a lot, on a lot of factors, but the short answer is yes, probably. I have a wirehair and unlike labs or Chessies, their coats are far from "standardized;" I've seen them totally indistinguishable from Shorthairs, complete with short, thin hair, to those that are apparently...