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  1. D

    Anyone else ever see this?

    They do attack. We had one a few years back, that attacked a guy in a kayak. He killed it with his paddle. It was tested and found to be rabid.
  2. D

    No fun!

    On a positive note; At least it happened in the off season.
  3. D

    What's UNDER my Work Bench....

    No chips or dust? I'll never be that good.......
  4. D

    Ontario Decoys - Henderson, NY

    Steve, I tried finding out about them earlier this summer. There is a barn on Rt. 3 in Henderson, It has an old sign painted on the side. Visible from the road if you are headed south. I'm sure Glenn S. would know. (Route 3 is also home to Ken Harris) Cool find, thanks for posting. Dan
  5. D

    I miss all of you guys also. Its been a long while

    AWESOME post Gary. If I had to pick one, that last one is my favorite. Thanks.
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    Strongsville who plans on going

    I'll be there. I believe it's my 7th in a row. Bring the wife because there awesome shopping. I love the area. It's a really nice community. See you there. Dan
  7. D

    tall waders

    It seems every wader is available in REG. and "STOUT". with hardly any offering TALL options. I'm 6'5" also and haven't found a good pair yet. Good Luck.
  8. D

    Cuomo has to go. DO NOT EVER VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT

    I totally agree with you guys. The SAFE act has to go. What about the college education for inmates?
  9. D

    New Model...needs a name!

    Bounty Hunter. Awesome boat Brad!
  10. D

    Pete Revicki.......ODCCA pool winner!

    Pete it was nice talking with you prior to your big win. Congrats, you deserve it. P.S you should move on to spoonies now?
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    The final rendition.....

    Wow! Great pictures. Looks like your lab has some serious drive in him.
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    Lyme in Northern Ny

    Every year my dog comes back loaded with ticks.The same area= Dexter/Watertown. This year I will be ready and treat prior to going. Dan
  13. D

    Decoy Carving Tools, Oil Paint, Books, Work Positioner

    Zack, I'll take the Tom Matus books. Thanks.