Search results

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    An uncarved fish---NDR

    Tim, it look's great! Bob H
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    Was wondering if there were any canoe builders on the forum? Interested in doing a strip canoe and would love to see some of your work if so. Any tips or advice would be appreciated before I get started. Thanks! Bob H
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    Duck call makers, I haven't forgotten you.

    Ed, PM sent. Thanks, bob H
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    Mini Lathe

    Was wondering if any of you guys have heard of or used a Wilton 99177 mini lathe? One of the Woodworking magazines is offering one for $99.00, regular price is $199.00. Want to try my hand at Duck Calls. Any help is appreciated. Bob H PS. Happy New Year to all!
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    Frank Peeters passing

    So sorry to hear this. He was on carver that I always wanted to meet one day. Bob H
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    SInce we've been on the subject of earning a living

    Paul, sounds to me like you have a good start with the carving classes. have you concidered a wood working school that would include decoy making, boat building, etc..? Why don't you give that some thought. Your interest in this seems to be strong enough. Good luck in what ever you...
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    Need some prayers guys

    Hank, our prayers are with you. God Bless! Bob H
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    VOTE*Traveling Decoy*VOTE

    They're all nice, but I have to go with Ira's Widgeon. Bob H
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    Scott, have you tried a Google search? Bob H
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    What I've become.

    Congratulations! I admire you for your determination. Bob H
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    Looking for a shallow water canoe/skiff....

    Dave, I used Gator Boats as an example to show you what a Pirogue looked like. My son hunted out of a two man Pirogue for years w/dog. Having a flat bottom they are more stable than a canoe, and able to manuver in just a few inches of water. Or, an open body of water. Very easy to build...
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    Looking for a shallow water canoe/skiff....

    I think what you guys are looking for is a good 'ol Louisiana Pirogue. Gator Boats has plans for one; nothing fancy, but will serve your puprose. Bob H
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    Fillet Blues

    Mike, can you tell us the process you used with the extra help? Thanks, Bob H
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    A few pictures from Charlie Foulds boat project

    Charlie, hate to appear dumb, but which boat are you building? It looks good! Bob H
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    Briggs & Stratton 5hp outboard

    Msys son used a 5hp Honda motor on his mud boat for a couple years and finally sold it. Far as I know it's still running. Bob H
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    a small favor, please
